
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Poetry Friday - Swap Sweets

           Poetry Friday is hosted by the enthusiastic Linda Mitchell at A World Edgewise! And tonight, she's sharing a delightful activity for poets, word and image prompts and a challenge! Thanks, Linda!

Summer poem swapping is the best thing. For one who receives little more than junk mail in my mailbox, finding a package with surprises inside is a joy. Thanks to Tabatha Yeatts for organizing us several times a year!

My swap this time is from Buffy Silverman, who loves and writes about nature, and shares gorgeous pictures from nature on FB, and often! I am grateful to have a special poem from her, and included with a note were two bookmarks with two more Buffy-written and illustrated poems.

                  she casts off her skin                                                      I wait for sunset
                  with her underwater ways                                              to spill its streaks of amber
                  life after life                                                                    damselfly settles
                                                                                                          on hollow pickerel weed
                                                                                                          her secret glow fills the pond

created by Buffy Silverman

Here's a poem response to thank Buffy:

Summer Savors

Summer months awash in flowers,
time for hammock napping hours,
time to write and time to read,
time for walks at leisure speed.

In between the hours’ ease
filling up with what you please,
time for work that’s pleasure paid
with vegetables and fruit earth-made

Hours enchanted by a lass,
her beauty showing clear as glass.
The poet appreciates the show,
creates an ode to fete her glow.

       Thanks to Buffy, fellow nature lover

Linda Baie


  1. Secret glows and underwater ways -- lots of intrigue with Buffy's swap!
    I like "time for work that's pleasure paid" very much.

    1. Yes, Buffy deftly shows the beautiful mystery of nature. Thanks, Tabatha!

  2. Thank you for this post full of summer loveliness, Linda! I can't decide which I love more, Buffy's odes to a damselfly or your summer savors. Both have enchanted my morning!

    1. You're welcome, Catherine. Buffy's poem is so lovely, I needed to respond too.

  3. Summer Poem Swap IS the best! And this is gorgeous and so very BUFFY. :) I am loving the streaks of amber. Hope you are getting some hammock napping hours, Linda, in between everything else you do! xo

    1. Thanks, Irene, I have only hammock memories from years ago, but lazy hours are in my life sometimes. Yes, Buffy knows well how to share the wonder of nature!

  4. Simply gorgeous.....that's exactly what summer is....and exactly the perfect response to Buffy. You two are quite a team.

    1. Thanks, Linda, just needed to respond to Buffy's beautiful poem!

  5. Those are gorgeous photos and words that live up to them. I love the hollow pickerel weed and the underwater ways. I like your attitude, Linda. I also like best "work that’s pleasure paid". The summer swap is such fun.

    1. It is fun, and always a pleasure to see what 'wonder' I'm given. Thanks, Brenda.

  6. Ah, summer! I love to read about it all over. I love "time for work that’s pleasure paid / with vegetables and fruit earth-made." The damselflies are an extra benefit. Thank you!

    1. I'm hearing a few locusts, amazingly early I think. Yes, I will enjoy every day of summer now. Thanks!

  7. Beautiful images and poems. All of them encourage me to take time to savor each moment today offers.

    1. That sounds wonderful, Kay. I'm glad you will! Thanks!

  8. "Hammock napping hours..." Oh, I love that phrase. Wonderful gifts of poetry from Buffy. Her photos are exquisite. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Ramona, and hope you do sneak in some of that "hammock napping"!

  9. I love how we are inspired this summer to write response poems. These are exquisite. And you have reminded us all what summer is about.

    1. Thanks, Jone, I know you've had a summer filled with good things and I love seeing your pictures!

  10. I love all the nature poems here Linda, yours and Buffy's, I think I hear some crickets in the background. Enjoy more lazy summer days!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I didn't put crickets in the words, but they are there, at least in my city!

  11. The summer poem swap sounds like so much fun! Buffy's poems are such lovely capturings of such tiny and important living. And then you have written such a delightful response! Poetry really does make us see the world in whole new ways!

    1. The swap is fun, Carol. I hope you'll join in next time! Thanks for enjoying the poems.

  12. I love that you wrote a response poem. All three poems work so well together!

    1. It was fun to write in response, Mary Lee. Summer holds such wonders, and I know you write about them, too. Thanks!

  13. Buffy's poems and your response lift me to a happy place. Thank you, Buffy and Linda!

  14. I wish I knew other people in real life to write response poetry with this way! It looks like such a fun kind of friendship.

    Love those "hammock nappy hours" and walking "leisure speed." So satisfying.

  15. Thanks Ruth, Violet and Carlie. I'm so glad you enjoyed the poems!

  16. I knew this swap must be from Buffy as soon as I saw the thumbnail image! Sweet! "to spill its streaks of amber" And love your response, too! "beauty showing clear as glass"

    1. Thanks, Donna, not surprised that you guessed from Buffy's picture, a treasure!


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