
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Celebrating The Week, Future, too!

          Celebrating with Ruth Ayres and others today. Come visit to see how lovely it is to celebrate all the delights of the week! 

Happy August!

       This week continued to be busy, but it was one that I was happy to have. I managed to check off some things that have been on a "to-do" list for a long time, like a talk with my insurance agent to be sure my coverage is okay. It is. I also had to get an emissions inspection for my car to renew my license. It passed. I'm glad those are complete! They are those "things" that that are not hard, but take time. 

         The week held some happy celebrations, too.
Work at the bookstore, meeting new customers,
a great talk with a young boy about his
favorite books.

Smiles "after" the girls' performance at
the Denver Center for Performing Arts
drama camp. Each group's play is written
by the players, and oh so cute, with songs
and dancing, too. 

I love being downtown at this fabulous
performing arts center, and walked around
taking pictures, soaking in the beauty.

A beautiful sky, one I made a special
turnaround for so I could "catch" the pic.

Anticipation for a trip to visit my brother
and sister-in-law who live in the eclipse path.
Sarah and the girls are joining us, and
Nathan too is flying in.
           I may not post after next week until after the eclipse, but on that day, August 21st, is my grandson Carter's sixteenth birthday! Isn't it wonderful that HIS day is on such a momentous occasion! I will be celebrating him later in the month. Sixteen years passes very fast!


  1. These are such happy celebrations. A cute picture of the girls and your grandson, too. It must be hard to believe that he is sixteen. My sixteenth birthday is one of the one's I remember the most. Happy birthday to Carter!

    1. It is special to see the grandkids growing up but it seems to go so quickly. Thanks, Lisa.

  2. Love the photo of the two little actresses. And it is very special for your grandson to have that special 16th birthday on the day of the solar eclipse! Hope your trip and viewing the eclipse are memorable.

    1. It certainly wasn't planned to have that special birthday, but it is exciting! Thanks for the wishes, Diane!

  3. I'm happy you get to go to a place for the total eclipse. Not only do we not have the day off, but the district has schedule pre-assessments for that day, so we won't even be able to walk outside.
    Wonderful celebrations this week.

    1. Ugh, so sorry. I don't know what part can be seen from other areas, and wish you could experiment to see if there is anything visible. Thanks, Margaret. We're excited!

  4. I think your celebrations are just perfect - family and reading. Also, getting things done are worthy of celebrating even though they aren't grand ideas or events.

    1. Thanks, Mandy, and yes, checking things off the list is something to celebrate!

  5. So much fun to see your little actresses! I love that the plays, songs, and dances were all written by the participants. Have fun at the eclipse and enjoy your time with family. Carter's pic on the stairs is adorable!

    1. Thanks, Ramona. I so admire the staff at this drama camp who take even the youngest and help them create. The girls love it! And thanks for the wishes. I'm looking forward to my visit and the eclipse!

  6. Linda, I love that your celebrations are family-related so that you can find balance in life. Even your mundane ordinary tasks are filled with a dose of joy.

  7. Much to celebrate, Linda - especially those grandkids!

  8. A busy, but full week. And how wonderful you get to travel closer to the eclipse, I look forward to hearing about it, have fun!

    1. We are excited, Michelle, couldn't pass the opportunity to see it and to take the girls too. Thanks!


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