
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friday Night Lights and More!

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             Like others, I travel to see one of my children and the rest of that family. And like last year, I had the pleasure of going to a Friday Night Lights game to see my grandson Carter's marching band, and the football game, of course! This time, I want to give a shout out to how wonderful teens are, and the parents who support them! We traveled about three hours to Abilene, an 'away' game, and yes, parents came too, with the trailer and the grill to feed them first! They do this every game, home and away, and I am in awe of their work and dedication. I didn't get a picture of the kids sitting and eating and having fun before the game because I was serving, too. But each time I offered a plate, with a tortilla ready for soft tacos, each one smiled and said 'thank you'! Everyone should spend time around high schoolers at least once in a while. They're enthusiastic, hard-working, and make me happy to see them. We also went to the South Plains Fair to see Carter's photo in the entries from his school, and to eat funnel cakes! The fair was just as you imagine it: entries to amaze, crowds of excited kids, deep-fried everything, the knife salesman and the animals! I haven't been to a fair in a long time, and it was fun!
              Here are some pics from my trip, all too quickly in the past, but filling me up with good memories! 
    Barb and Nathan, parents extraordinaire!

    Barb and another parent prepping!

    Nathan preparing the meat!

    I also get to play with the granddogs, Abe and Teddy,
    here, waiting for a treat! 


    1. That all sounds wonderful, Linda! And I love your grand dogs. Are they Bernese mountain dogs?

      1. Yes, they are Bernese Mountain Dogs, two brothers! Very sweet dogs! Thanks, Iza!

    2. So glad that you had such a wonderful time!

      1. Thanks, it was terrific to be there, like always!

    3. It's good to get a reminder that "kids these days" are not nearly as bad as "we" portray them. I'm glad you were able to spend some time with them and get a good memory out of it as well.

      1. I taught middle school kids and loved them too, was sorry I never got the chance to work with high school kids too. Thanks, Andrea.

    4. How wonderful. Too often all we hear is the trouble teens cause and get into. We sometimes forget that this is just a small minority. Most are polite and helpful. This is the kind of news that needs to be spread.

      1. I agree as you can see, Bob. My daughter also works with a teen group at the museum where she works and she thinks they're fabulous. It was wonderful seeing and being with these teens!

    5. The concept of Friday Night Lights sounds so cool to me. This was something I missed out on in high school since I regularly attended synagogue with my parents on Friday nights. Reading about it sounds so cool. What dedication -- from the parents and the kids!

      1. I was in the marching band, too, as was my son, so I have lots of memories of those games, Stacey, but what happens at Carter's school is extraordinary with those parents feeding them all, too, all 340 I was told! Thank you!

    6. Oh, this takes me back. I used to attend every home football game, not for the football, but to watch the band perform. And after the game, was the best part - when our band performed in the pit. I don't even know how to describe the enthusiasm and energy of the kids on Friday night after a football game. Good memories! So glad you had a good visit and enjoyed the fair too. Fun picture of Carter. And the granddogs too!

      1. I don't think anyone I know did a pit after, but you've made me remember a pep band sometimes too, but perhaps only at the basketball games? It was a good time on this long weekend! Thanks, Ramona!

    7. I didn't get "into" football until my son started to play as a freshman in HS....but I'm still going to games (not all) because after playing HS and college where I did go to all the games, he's now a football coach. I STILL get to spend many a Friday night with the HS crowd. Never thought I wanted to do this, but their energy on Friday night, when I am depleted, is pretty awesome!

      1. How awesome that you're still going, Anita. that your son is the coach! I'm sure if I was closer, I would go at least to the home games. It was a lot of fun! Thanks!

    8. I don't do Friday nights anymore, but my husband is now a football referee. He's having fun reliving the high school days -- and getting paid for it! LOL

      1. That's great to hear, Jennifer, and the pay sounds good, too. I was reminded how many adults are involved in making this evening happen! Thanks!

    9. Football, especially high school football, has a culture all its own. It's an experience, I think. Friday nights at the high school have a sense of nostalgia, even when it is a high school I have never visited before. I imagine football in Texas has to be the ultimate experience. Thanks so much for sharing.

      1. Yes, they do seem to do more than my son did at his high school. For one, they attend all the away games, and as I wrote, parents feed them there too. The crowd was big and enthusiastic all the way through. Yes, a unique culture, perhaps like the 'football' in Europe? Thanks!

    10. This post brings me back to high school football nights under the light. There is so much fanfare and fun that it makes for an all around good time. Fast forward to your Friday night lights, I am amazed at what the parents do to bring good old-fashioned fun back in style. Linda, I can see why you enjoyed your time away from Denver.

      1. It was a lot of fun, Carol, & I too am amazed at the hard work these parents do each weekend, sometimes more when there's a longer competition. They are having fun being together, too! Thanks!

    11. I like to read about places people visit and events people attend. I have never experienced a fair like this. You made it sound awesome. (I had to look up what funnel cakes are.)

      1. There is so, so much to do at such a fair, Terje. I only mentioned, but we loved the exhibits, like Carter's photography entry. There were entries of all kinds of food, art, quilts, antiques, wood creations, etc. For kids, the carnival rides are favorites, and then there are games where you can win prizes. Funnel cakes are not the healthiest choices, but very good once in a while!


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