
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Looking Behind & Ahead

     Celebrating with Ruth Ayres and others today.  It's a good thing to celebrate the pieces of our lives.

      Only two more posts and I will reach 1600 posts, a nice thing to welcome 2018. I have slowed a bit, choosing what feels right each week and much of that has to do with other writing and creating. Connecting to Ruth's words, I realize that there is time to be "steadfast" and also time to "let go". I haven't chosen a One Little Word in a few years, but perhaps it's time to find one that feels good for this coming year.

      Aside from the political news that's kept me reading so I can understand all that's going on, as I browse the photos of 2017, I realize I have much to celebrate. Without a picture by picture, here's a collage of best memories and a brief list. 

  • special moments in nature
  • small things that make me happy
  • many visits to museums with Ingrid and Imogene
  • our visit to Captiva Island
  • the total solar eclipse while visiting. . .
  • my brother and sister-in-law
  • visiting Nathan & Barb who as band parents, feed the band every game
  • visiting Carter, watching him in marching band & at the fair with his photo
  • experiencing one more Highlights poetry workshop
  • our annual family Christmas pic - all on the sofa!
  • the bookstore work is a joy
  • sunsets, lots of sunsets fill me up
        Happy New Year to everyone! From a favorite carol, "May your days be merry and bright!"


  1. Happy New Year, Linda! I love the collage a small list. Coupled together they are a mighty celebration. Congratulations on the 1600 mark!
    Shine on,

    1. Thanks, dear friend, wish you lived 'across the way'! Happy New Year to all the Ayres family with hugs, too!

  2. I love how you chose 12 pictures and the list of what matters. So much of it revolves around nature and family. Lucky you! Lucky us to read about it. Happy New Year, Linda!

    1. Nature and family, to me, is what I love, Julieanne, along with reading and writing all the year, hence the joy in the bookstore. Thanks, and Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. Family and small moments - best of all. Wishing you health and joy for next year!

    1. Thanks, Terje, best wishes for a wonderful new year to you, too!

  4. I love this list of best memories. And the photos, too! All the best in 2018.

  5. Lucky US this year to be able to enjoy your wonderful words! Congrats and kudos on you 1600 posts - that in itself is a testament to who you are - a wise, dedicated, and admirable member of this wild and crazy world!

    1. Thank you! Wishing you the best that a new year will bring!

  6. Wow! 1600 posts! At the rate I am gong, it will take me forever to hit that number! Thank you for sharing your small moments in small photos. Happy New Year to you, Linda!

    1. You're welcome, Leigh Anne and Happy New Year to you and your family!

  7. I count on your pictures and posts to lift my spirits, Linda - you have a way of finding the cracks that let the light in (to borrow from Leonard Cohen). Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Tara. Despite the terrible things happening politically, there were many special times for which I am grateful. Glad to share that light. Whew, what a year!

  8. It seems like there were many bright moments in the year. The politics of the year were a challenge to my emotions, but there were also many positives. I wish you a wonderful year to come.

    1. Yes, there were lots of happy times, but the year was tiring, I agree, Crystal. Happy New Year to you, too. May we continue on resisting what is not good for our country.

  9. I love that your blog is always a place for celebration and appreciate, Linda. I true bright spot on the internet. Thank you for sharing YOU. Gutes neues Jahr!

    1. Thanks, Bridget! Here's to a "new & improved new year"!

  10. I love the pics, but even more your list. Family time, the bookstore, sunsets, moonshots, and writing. Thanks for sharing your celebrations and congrats on that upcoming milestone - 1600 posts!

    1. Thank you, too, Ramona, for us continuing to share our lives together. Happy New Year!

  11. I love that you reflected on what to celebrate by going through photos and being reminded of those special moments. Happy New Year Linda.

    1. Thanks, Lisa, it was fun to browse through the year! Happy New Year!

  12. Linda, I always love to read about your celebrations as special moments. I want to thank for being such a wonderful Social Media friend. One day, I hope to meet you face-to-face for a real hug but for now I will send you a virtual one and best wishes for the new year.

    1. Thanks, Carol, it's been a pleasure connecting to you! I hope you have a wonderful 2018!


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