
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Poetry Friday - A Gift

        Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core is hosting this terrific beginning to our Poetry Friday new year! And she begins with a review of the wonderful new poetry book by Charles Waters and Irene Latham, Can I Touch Your Hair? Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship. I have read it, and purchased another copy for the granddaughters, looking forward to sharing and giving it to them when they visit. Thanks, Catherine!
       Hoping all who are being deluged by this superstorm Grayson are safe inside, have power, and will not have too much trouble during and after. 

          Thanks to Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference for her idea created these past years of poem swaps, summer and winter, and a little more to send--and receive. After this holiday time of gift-giving, during a quieter week, finding a small box in the mailbox that is just for me feels like the exclamation point of the last word of the final paragraph of a book.The End! And it is a special ending, my swapper, Leigh Anne Eck, at A Day In The Life, created.

        Here is a picture of my wonderful gifts: a beautifully crafted pencil pack and bookmark from a business run entirely by volunteers who empower those caught in human trafficking by selling their creations. It's called The Faith Store, and is run by a local church. (FYI - I previously shared a link, but Leigh Anne told me it is "not" the same store. This one has no online presence.)
        The quote is one to remember: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito.”                African proverb

There is also one of those sweet quote magnets, and Leigh Anne has created my poem and placed it as a magnet! I am happy to be able to keep both of these close, on the refrigerator of course, to read and see often! Thank you, Leigh Anne for ending my holidays and starting the new year so wonderfully.

Here's the poem:

Where might I find you?

Maybe at the bookstore
            sharing your passion while
            meandering between the shelves
            meeting new people
            _hearing their stories,

Or maybe at the ocean
            walking the beach with loved ones while
            collecting shells
            taking in sunsets
            soaking in the sea
            _finding memories in the grains of sand,

Or maybe with family
            finding beauty in the people in your life while
            celebrating Grandma day
            playing with Ingrid and Imi
            _cherishing memories,

Or maybe at home
            writing a slice while
            reading a book
            visiting your neighborhood
            noticing nature
            _dancing with words

Or maybe..
            creating joy for those around you
            and for those of us far away

is where I might find you.

©Leigh Anne Eck, 2017


  1. I love that your granddaughters have a cameo appearance in Leigh Anne's poem, Linda. How sweet.

    1. Thanks, Laura. They'll be visiting Friday & I will share with them, & they'll love it, too!

  2. I think Leigh Anne has got your number. What lovely gifts. I'm going to go spend some time at that store. I love spending with a purpose...especially that purpose. Beautiful post because you've shared so much beauty. It's simply coming round to you again. Enjoyed it!

    1. Thanks, Linda. I loved each surprise and especially the poem. I edited my post, FYI, because Leigh Anne told me that the link is not the store she shops in. Sorry.

  3. What a lovely treasure trove of gifts! And the poem is just fabulous. I especially love the "or maybe at home" bits. Yes to all of them! -- Christie @

  4. Oh, my, this is certainly a poem anyone would recognize as being for you! Wonderful ending to our holidays!

    1. Thanks, Donna, it is a perfect ending. Happy New Year!

  5. Spot-on poem and gifts! So glad you'll be able to put them where you can see them regularly :-)

    1. Yes, that is fun to be able to see them often. Thanks, Tabatha!

  6. Leigh Anne's poem does capture all the qualities that make you so special, Linda. What a treasure!

  7. I love the form of Leigh Anne's poem and how she knows you well. What a wonderful gift!

  8. Aww - what a bevy of beauties Leigh Anne sent your way! I see you in every line of this poem. What a gorgeous gift. xo

  9. Lovely poem and gifts. The poetry exchange is a gift that keeps on giving -- I know you'll enjoy the poem for a log time t ocome, and I love that you'll be sharing the gift with your granddaughters.

  10. Awww...what a thoughtful gift and poem. I love seeing all the goodness flying around the world with these poetry swaps.

  11. Wow! Leigh Anne captured the specialness we've all come to know about you. Lovely gift!

  12. The poem is incredible. I love that the poems are personalized. Such a terrific box to find

  13. What lovely gifts. I like that proverb about the mosquito.

  14. Thanks everyone. I've been with the grand-girls most of the day and that meant a stop at the bookstore for books! Also, they loved being in the poem! Leigh Anne knows my life well!

  15. What a wonderful gift/swap, Linda. Leigh Anne certainly nailed the description of where you could be in her poem. I especially like noticing nature/ _dancing with words. You are such a wonderful person to call a friend, even if it is a virtual friend for now. Have a wonderful week.

  16. These were my favorite lines from Leigh Anne's poem for where poet Linda may be,
    " reading a book
    visiting your neighborhood
    noticing nature
    _dancing with words"

    What a lovely poem and package, thanks for sharing all with us, Enjoy!

  17. I am so glad you liked your gift. This was my fist time participating and I was a little less nervous when I read your name as my swap partner. Thank you for sharing it today.

  18. Thank you, Carol, Michelle, Mary Lee and Ruth. It is a special gift I will treasure. And Leigh Anne, each gift sent is good because it comes from thoughtful people, like you! Thanks again for every bit!

  19. So much to think about with today's post! Especially with the mosquito proverb! Any mosquito still alive in our sub-freezing weather would be something I wouldn't want to run into!

    1. Ha! Surely there would not be a mosquito. In our unusual warmth, I've had a few gnats flying around my house, presumably from plants. Thanks, Diane, hope you'll soon be warmer!

  20. What treasures Leigh Anne sent you, and all the more lovely because they're so personalized. I love the African proverb and will keep that in mind when I'm feeling powerless. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, that proverb is going to stay close, in the books I'm reading! Thanks, Molly!


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