
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Celebrating The Quirky

      Celebrating today with Ruth Ayres and others who share. 

        I know not all of you see my FB posts. They are full of family, the bookstore, and when I become especially upset, politics. Most recently, I'm participating in a private poetry group, writing a poem each day to a piece of art shared by a group member. It's been joyful, educational and sometimes sadness creeps in when someone posts a particularly poignant poem. I also read a friend's post who takes lots of photos like Terje does and she shared that a photographer friend told her that whenever one sees something red, she should take a picture. Well, the quest is on. I've ignored the first thoughts--stop signs, Target, grocery signs. But in winter, much is brown (or white) and red stands out, and actually is rather rarer than one might think. Today I celebrate "Quirky" and the color "red" which happens to be my favorite color. You would know that if you visited my home.
from a clip-on wire thing in my
office, like a bulletin board
        It seems a good celebration since our loving Valentine's Day is Wednesday.
Here are the red photos so far! 


  1. Love how you take photos when you see red! What a neat way to take in the world around you! It feels like I've been in your neighborhood.

    1. Thanks, Loralee, I'm always on the lookout! Fun (and quirky)!

  2. I love this idea because it has you look at the world with a different focus. It's good to see from a different perspective once in a while. How fun.

    1. Yes! It intrigued me when I read the idea, and it is fun to give it a try as I go to different places. Thanks, Crystal!

  3. Great idea. My great aunt always wore a touch of red; she always said that a lady should wear a touch of red when she went out. So, I have heeded her advice. I have red boots, red shoes, red sandals, red scarves, etc. And my iPhone is red!

    1. What a great story, Alice. We have a color in common! Thanks!

  4. I've loved seeing these on FB. The frosting on the red car is my favorite.
    My dad used to say: "If I had a swing like that, I'd paint it red and put it in my back yard." Perhaps this would be dangerous to say today (but this was over 40 years ago).

    1. It's quite fun to do, and then, like yours, to hear the stories that people connect to them. Thanks, Ramona!

  5. Linda, I started a collage journal in which I decided to make each month a color. Blue was January and February is red. I will have to take this challenge on. Thanks!

    1. Ha! Enjoy. It's a good idea for your journal, too. It's been fun!


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