
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Finding Celebrations

      Celebrating today with Ruth Ayres and others who share. 

           More than other weeks, this is a week to find things to celebrate. And so I look, and do find them, and know that I mostly celebrate my daily hours that are full of good things. When we fill ourselves up with goodness, we gain the strength to fight for the right things for everyone. 
          Imogene was ill this week, so spent the day with me on Monday. We filled the time with quiet - reading picture books, watching the Lionguard that has special stories of helping and protecting, playing with an old marble run that continues to be a favorite toy. 
          On Tuesday, I picked Ingrid up from school and we made it to our go-to ice cream shop--salted caramel is the choice!
          Wednesday I worked at the bookstore for a while, visited with a wonderful volunteer who gives hours entering books to sell on Amazon. And I gathered books that we no longer need to take to a refugee center in great need of books! Like the bookstore, this center is run entirely by volunteers, the building owned by a doctor who has set up a non-profit with a food pantry, a clothing room, a doctor, a dentist, a teen room, English classes, a nursery. It is amazing to see all that is happening at this center and our bookstore is happy to help with much-wanted books.
           Thursday, back at the bookstore. It's my day, and also the day we go through donations, giving thanks for those who think of us when they have books to give.
           Friday, a quick snow and ice storm Thursday night made streets very icy, and I slid right through an intersection on the drive to the dentist. I was lucky. The other drivers saw that I was not going to be able to stop, and waited to enter the street. Whew! 
           I had a great phone visit with my grandson, on the way with his parents to visit another university. It's so hard to believe he's looking at colleges. But he is, and I hope he finds just the right one for him!
           And, walking to the mailbox (we have a bank of locked boxes in our neighborhood) I had the joy of seeing my favorite crows flying around. Here's a pic of one on the wing!

           Today, I'm off to the bookstore again to meet a possible new volunteer, hoping to fill one needed opening! It's warm again, and I know I will discover other celebrations. And I will write more letters to my representatives to let them know I want them to listen to their constituents and do what is right for America! 


  1. You're right. It was a hard week to find something to celebrate, but as always, you find your joy in the small moments :)

    1. I do need to do that, press on, but this week made it harder.

  2. Sometimes, when we can't change what has happened, the way to keep going is to see the good, to show the good, and to grow the good around us. Your celebrations have highlighted both personal and community actions for a better world.
    I am glad your scary moment on the icy street ended well.

    1. Thanks, Terje, you know I agree. I love the way you wrote, "see the good, show the good and grow the good around us.

  3. Yes, a hard week... but still, moments to cherish are always there.

  4. So thankful you were protected on the icy road. I love the comfort of favorite stories and salted caramel ice cream (yum!). May your weekend be blessed!

  5. It was a rough week which made it even more important to look for the bright spots. Yay for ice-cream and so much more. It's lovely to see birds in flight. Today I saw two eagles up close on my long drive through the countryside.

    1. Yes, it was tough. I love that you saw the eagles, wonderful sight! Thanks, Crystal!

  6. I wish I could visit your bookstore.

  7. Thank you for sharing your moments that got you through a hard week.

    1. Thanks, Loralee, for both comments. I wish you could come by to visit, too!

  8. The bookstore sounds like a haven of sorts Linda. And salted caramel ice cream after school is always worth celebrating. Our small joys help during these hard weeks.

    1. It is a wonderful place, Lisa. I feel fortunate to have started working there. Yes, those small joys are much appreciated!

  9. Love the simple joys you've celebrated and your words: "When we fill ourselves up with goodness, we gain the strength to fight for the right things for everyone." These are words to keep close by during tough times. Thanks, Linda.

    1. You're welcome, dear friend. It was a good week in many ways, and then Wednesday came. I have no direct connection except I'm a human being who is heartbroken for this tragedy and loss. I am hopeful that things will change.

  10. Yes, let' do what is right for America. I am so glad that you are safe. Slipping on ice with a car is scary. Have a great day, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Carol. Yes, that sliding was pretty scary, first time it's happened in a long time! It's a wake-up to be even more careful! And yes, we need to keep fighting against the terrible changes being made & to take care of our children!


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