
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Poetry Friday - Search & Find

Poetry Friday's host this week is the busy Kat Apel from Australia, sharing her poem-a-day she's named 'Insta-poetry', filling us up with summer, yes, summer! That's what's happening Downunder as many of us shiver. Thanks, Kat for the beauty shared!

        I've been struggling lately finding some kind of goal for writing poems. I've begun a new journal, have delved into favorite quotes and pictures and though I enjoyed creating the beginning pages and sketching, too, I still did not find much to write about. I'm in the midst of reading for the Cybil's poetry award, and perhaps that's part of it, so filled with beautiful poetry that I think somehow it's all been written! Anyway, here's what I did for this day, a bit about looking and some about finding.


  1. Poems are like little fairies-an interesting analogy that you developed right to the last line, Linda. There are days that I think what will spur me on-thanks for voicing that thought.

    1. You're welcome, Carol. It is a challenge sometimes.

  2. I love the rustling breeze & bending stems! I'm also trying to cultivate that patience. Have fun with your new journal!

    1. How fun. I think we were both commenting on each other's post at the same time! Thanks, JoAnn!

  3. Your poem is delightful Linda, I like thinking of poems as "fairies,"
    "it will appear on my shoulder
    where I can lightly pluck it up
    and write it down." –as in poem that was effortless, but marvelous.
    Your poem also reminds me of Puck, in "A Mid Summer Nights Dream," and a sprite too, thanks!

    1. Thanks, Michelle, it was fun to write, hoping it will lead me on!

  4. Oh, I do love that light and lovely ending you have there, Linda. Thank-you for sharing.

    1. You're welcome, Kat. It's fun to be here today with you hosting!

  5. Yes! We must pretend not to be looking! It's very much like that "if you love something, set it free" saying. In our industriousness, I think many of us strive too hard when what poetry wants is for us to STOP, so it can (as you write) appear on our shoulders. Thank you, Linda! Write more fairy poems, please. xo

    1. Ha! I have been trying to draw different fairies and will see if they inspire more, Irene. I am trying to slow down & relax, let the words come! Thank you!

  6. I like this - and the idea that you keep looking even if you don't have something to write immediately!

    1. Thanks, Ruth. I won't stop, but it feels challenging lately.

  7. to pretend not looking.....what a perfect description. I think that's why I like my paper crafting so much. My mind is creative...I'm not looking for words. But, I'm mulling them over. You have a lovely poem and sketch. And, you are totally full of it...a bunch of poem that is. Your brain is on a reading break. Enjoy.

  8. This is a post I can relate to Linda. Funny too, as I read and re-read it, I kept connecting with the line about pretending I’m not looking. Then as I read everyone’s comments, I discovered I wasn’t the only one who experienced that as well! I feel like I’m always on the look for a word or a phrase for a poem...

    1. Yes, it feels right, Dani, feels even a bit sneaky sometimes. It's nice to hear that from everyone, isn't it? Thank you!

  9. Poems are like little fairies, and I often feel like I have to pretend not to catch one to really catch one. The poem I caught yesterday that you so kindly commented on was caught during my lunch in the teacher's lounge perusing Facebook, which is definitely an act of not looking.

    1. Te he, definitely NOT! Thanks, and needed the affirmation!

  10. Hi Linda! I thought you might like this video, which has fairies in it. Have you heard of ASMR? It's something I listen to when I have insomnia.

  11. I feel you on the evasiveness of writing "projects." All the poems seem to be running away from me or staying hidden.

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee, it's good to know others are searching sometimes, too.

  12. I really like this poem Linda - fairies, so elusive and airy! Love the phrase, "hoping for hawk eyes" - like we all wish, so we can swoop down on those inspirations and pluck them up!

    1. Thanks, Vicki, your fairy description is apt, hence my comparison. Wishing always for those hawk eyes!

  13. Oh--that rustling breeze and those bending stems! Such a lovely poem you've written here, Linda! The comparison you've drawn between fairies and writing poetry is so apt and I'm enchanted by the image of that fairy poem lightly landing on your patient shoulder.

    1. Thank you, Molly. It will be something I'll think about as I keep on writing!

  14. Thanks for sharing your bit of struggle and your lovely words despite it, Linda! (& Lucky Cybils to have your keen eye, ear, and heart.) Your poem reminds me of Hawthorne's "butterfly,... just beyond your grasp..." XO

    1. Thanks, Robyn, all the kind words, including yours, are inspiration themselves. I'll look for the poem, I think new to me.

  15. Your lovely poem says so much about the quiet craft of writing, which begins with noticing.

    1. Thanks, Tara. Yes! Never stop that looking & looking.

  16. "I learn to pretend I'm not looking" -- I love that! Thanks for this, Linda. Such a delight!


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