
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Slicing for A Friend

        I'm slicing with the Two Writing Teachers community today. It's been almost exactly a year since I posted here. I have years of fond memories on this site, have shared hilarity, experiences, and sadness here. I've made friends and sometimes met those friends in person! I've written in March with students and then after retirement, without, a kind of mourning to know that my teaching days had ended. I'm still reading and reviewing, sharing on Mondays and Wednesdays, and writing poetry as well as reading it, sharing that on Fridays. 
         This post is a return, perhaps not every Tuesday, but I have received several "asks" from a long-time slicer friend, Terje Akke, whom I'm sure you know, who blogs at Just For A Month. This is for my over-the-ocean friend.

          I've become quite immersed in a few things this year that take more time than I ever imagined: 
          Politics! Since the 2016 election, I have become involved more than ever before, writing letters, calling, donating where I can. I won't make this a huge diatribe in this post, but I am alarmed at the happenings in the past two years, and won't stop trying to make things better. 
         A Used Bookstore! I've been a customer at this bookstore for years, drove into the city from my home in the suburbs to visit it. I moved to my new home six years ago last December. Hard to believe it's been that long. A few years ago, after I retired from teaching middle school at an independent school for gifted children, I volunteered at the store. It is a non-profit, kind of like a coop, and run entirely by volunteers. We have a couple who are managers, but they too are volunteers! Super, right? Well, more and more time committed, and now I am on the board and the volunteer coordinator. Kind of like having another class, ha! I love working with all these people and each is as individual as my students were. It's lots of fun and oh my, the books! I try hard not to bring home some every week, but it is a challenge. I work a shift regularly, too, and love interacting with customers, helping them if they want it, but many, including the kids, just want to browse. I'm also in charge of the children's sections and that is a love that doesn't stop.

           My family! My son, daughter-in-law, and grandson, who's a senior this year, live in Texas, but I see them several times a year and visit on the phone often. My daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters, 1st & 4th grade, live close, so I see them often and the grand-girls are with me a couple of times a week.
           Writing! I really am interested in writing well enough to be published, and write a lot. But I am terrible at the mundane task of submitting. That is a goal to do better. It's snowing tonight as I write this, so I'm hoping to have a day inside on Tuesday to write! 
           I hope all of you are having fun with your blogging. It's been a life-changing experience for me and I will always be grateful for the love and support all the years from the TWT friends.
all together - Ingrid, Imogene, Carter


  1. Glad you got us caught up on your busy life, Linda. Whoever says retirement is boring because there is nothing to do is definitely doing something wrong.

    1. I agree, and I'm glad to have the new things in my life. Thanks for coming by!

  2. Thank you, Linda, for writing. What you describe is a rich life that keeps you young forever. What better place to spend your retirement than in a bookstore. What better people to spend time with than your grandkids. What better way to change the world than to become active as a citizen. And there is always space and time for reading and writing. Slice of life doesn't need to be part of it, but I nudged you because I missed your words and company in this community, even though I see in other digital spaces. Hugs!

    1. Aw, you're welcome, Terje. It is a pleasure to be back and read some of the slices, discover everyone's life, though, like you, I have kept up with some on social media. Thanks for the hug, sending one back!

  3. Terje sent me back to my computer too. I am like you, I don't know if every Tuesday will happen again, but I may drop in every now and then. It is always good to see what you are thinking and posting on FB and Instagram. You are one busy lady. Glad to see a post today.

    1. Ha! Terje is one persuasive woman, isn't she? I'll find your post, too! We have a lot of "past" memories to keep together, don't we? Thanks, Elsie!

  4. Welcome back!

  5. Love the update Linda. It sounds like good things are happening in your world.

    1. Thanks, Lisa, it's fun to read about other's lives, too!

  6. I know you’ve been quite busy (thanks to our in-person visit last year in Denver and from following you on Facebook). I hope you’ll be back for slicing more often!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Stacey. I loved our visit & will try to be back more often. Yes, it's nice to share some pics & a few moments on FB! Love seeing Isabelle & Ari growing up, too!

  7. Love the pic of the grands with an open book in the background! Love that you wrote for our over-the-ocean friend. It's amazing how close we can feel to our slicer friends. I still try to keep up with Poetry Friday (less so lately) and have plans to show up more regularly to post sometime this year. Maybe that will be one of my "try" monthly focus projects.

    1. My brother sent the girls a kit with fun hats & faces on sticks so they could create silly pictures with that 'book' as background, hence it's up for a couple of days. Yes, I'm still waiting to see you again & wish we could meet others in person, like Terje. Hope you do more Poetry Friday. You know a lot of poetry! Thanks, Ramona!

  8. You are my life mentor, dear Linda...keeping up with you is life affirming in the best possible ways.

    1. We're taking different paths, and that itself is exciting. I love seeing and reading all about your new life, too, Tara. Thank you for the sweet words.

  9. Always loving to hear more about your life, Linda. Are you busy this weekend because I do not see your PF post?

    1. Thanks, Carol, I've taken care of the granddaughters until late tonight, so no chance to post. The parents are off on a trip. You're nice to ask!


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