
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Poetry Friday - Crow Happy

        Hurrah, we're headed across the ocean this Poetry Friday, visiting Bridget Magee at Wee Words for Wee Ones. She's now living in Switzerland with her husband and daughter. In addition to "wee" poems, Bridget has shared numerous things that are different and interesting in Switzerland. Among those are learning to celebrate US holidays there. Be sure to read her post all about Thanksgiving. 

        Hoping that you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends including embracing those small things, of which I feel grateful. Laughter and a puzzle, pie and small conversations are some. And on a recent morning, my picture through a window (the screen!) of a crow hopping his way down the fence where previously a squirrel had been, eating a few peanuts. When it's very cold, I put them out for them, but NOT on the fence. Could squirrels be messy eaters? That crow stayed, seemingly eating at the rail, for quite a while.


  1. And Happy Thanksgiving to you, too,Linda. Love that you fed the squirrel and the squirrel fed the crow!

  2. I love your crow! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. It's delightful that we both shared crow poems today Linda. I have a friend who feeds the crows peanuts along her deck railings too. They really are clever creatures.

  4. Love your crow too. What a snowy Thanksgiving you had -- I had a nice conversation over pie with my niece. :)

  5. Linda: Crows are fascinating, aren't they? They can mimic sounds and recognize human faces, and one biologist thinks that they cooperate with other predators to help find prey, the payoff being that they get a share of the spoils. So... many thanks for your picture and haiku.

  6. I've loved your snow pics. And the crow snacking on peanuts is perfect. When I taught 3rd grade, the crows used to get into lunch boxes left by the classroom door after lunch. They are crafty birds!

  7. You captured a great moment, Linda! That crow certainly seems to be enjoying his Thanksgiving dinner. Who couldn't benefit from a spare peanut with all that snow?!

  8. Who doesn't love peanuts, even the crows? We will be having leftover turkey with spicy peanut sauce tonight. I'll let you know if any crows join us. Happy family time to you and yours!

  9. Thank you all! I've been at the bookstore much of the day creating the displays of holiday books! Crows were flying when I drove there, but all nesting by dark, when I arrived home. I, like many of you, am fascinated by them & love that this one visited! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Hooray for the crows! Love that both you and Cheriee featured them this week!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee. Yes, very fun about our crows!

  11. Yikes, that's a lot of Thanksgiving snow! Love your crow.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Glad you've had laughter and pie! Your crow knows where the eating is good.

  13. The snow has stayed, too, Buffy. Hoping that the sun will come out & help tomorrow! Thanks, Tabatha and Buffy. Hope you've had a good Thanksgiving! Yes, the crow is back. Evidently it figured out there were peanuts!

  14. Wow, you had a WHITE Thanksgiving, Linda! That crow has the right idea about peanuts - I love them too! Thankful for you. =)

    1. Yes, lots of snow last week, but warm the next few days will at least help clear the streets. Thanks, Bridget, love your post for hosting this week!

  15. What a moment for that crow and for you. I love how your haiku captures the beauty and wonder of that moment. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with moments of wonder.

    1. Thanks, Kay. It was great watching the crow. I did have a wonderful day with family & friends. Hope you did, too!

  16. That crow got lucky, and so did we with the resulting image and haiku–and we owe our thanks to you and the squirrel, lovely thanks Linda!


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