
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Poetry Friday - Thanksgiving Means FOOD, Doesn't it?

Poetry Friday is hosted today by Rebecca Herzog at SlothReads! She gave us a challenge last week which you can read about here. Thanks, Rebecca!

           First, another big thank you to Michelle H. Barnes and the TLD committee for this wonderful new volume of The Best of Today's Little Ditty. I have received my copy and am loving reading all the poems from those I know from Poetry Friday, those I know from other places, all gathered together in this wonderful book. Just look at that fabulous cover! I am grateful to have a poem included.

           Second, wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, however it works for you. My daughter and family and I have worked out various things we cook for this day these recent years, but I've spent Thanksgiving in various ways through the years, all special memories with people, no matter the food. But, it is mostly about food, isn't it? Here's Rebecca's fun challenge!

            Briefly, Rebecca writes: "to write a poem about what food you feel is most deserving of its own National Day. Or perhaps there is a food that you find so disgusting that it should never have its day in the spotlight. Either way, tell us why in a poem."

             I tried to focus on one thing, but couldn't get it out of my head about certain drinks that are beloved each season. I am often tickled by the excitement on social media when some drinks appear celebrated, FINALLY (some say), at Starbucks. Yet, others have been around seemingly forever, and they deserve a National Day on their own, don't they?

Thanks for the challenge, Rebecca! It was fun remembering all kinds of food and drink, choosing what I really like.

A National Day for A Season’s Best

Yes, it’s fall and that’s not all;
‘tis time for apple cider.
Taste the sharp and tangy brew
bottled apples – just for you!

Cold brings winter’s minty twist,
down at Starbucks once a year.
Their brand insists your order be
peppermint mocha delight (not free).

I yearn for spring, escape outdoors
while sipping iced tea, cool delight.
Just brew a teabag, maybe two,
sit and praise green leaves anew.

My childhood memories win in summer –
friends giggling on our porch
with icy lemonade, sitting on a swing,
sipping summer’s tasty fling.

                                       Linda Baie ©


  1. I like your carousel of seasonal-drink poem Linda, and especially this ending line,
    "sipping summer’s tasty fling."
    I'll try remembering this when we are in the midsts of winter season. Lovely images too, thanks!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. It was fun to imagine what might be a favorite per season. There are others, I'm sure!

  2. (not free) ha!
    Delightful....sipping through the seasons. Each is truly is the whole. Well done.

    1. I really do laugh when I see so many excited when those Starbucks drinks arrive. This is a bit tongue-in-cheek for winter, Linda. Thanks!

  3. You quenched my thirst, Linda! Definitely a fresh take on a "seasons" poem.

    1. Thanks, Tabatha, a poem for many of us, though I suspect others have their own favorites, too.

  4. You've quenched my thirst for a good, delicious food poem! Love the idea of citing seasonal drinks. Bottled apples -- yes!!

    1. Thanks, Jama, time for all those spicy & hot drinks today for me. It's snowing!

  5. I love a drink for every season! I haven't yet had any apple cider for fall, but I'm ready, and bring on the mint, too. I enjoy tea year round, but our spring drink is our annual cup of sassafras tea. One cup is enough, but I'd miss not having it all.

    1. I love hearing about your 'spring' tradition with that sassafras tea, Kay. I imagine each of us has something that means the next season has arrived! Thanks!

  6. This is perfectly delicious! I love visiting all the drinks of the seasons.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca. I wonder if there's a special "food" for each?

  7. Your poem is lovely, Linda. You've left me thirsty :) Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  8. Thanks for this lovely poem, Linda. We are on the food train as well. My cranberry orange relish tastes just right this year. Now on to the pies... Wishing you a Thanksgiving feast!

    1. Pies coming, but I only make pecan. My daughter makes the others. I adore cranberry-orange relish, will make it before the day! Thanks, Karen.

  9. I love how each of these drinks connects to each of the season's Linda. Winter is all about cinnamon bark tea for me!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I'm sorry I didn't ask about everyone's favorite drink for a season. Cinnamon Bark Tea sounds very good, Cheriee. I love cinnimon-y things! Thank you!

  10. Refreshing poem, Linda! Happy (early) Thanksgiving! Gobble, gobble, gulp! =)

    1. I was at Whole Foods Market today & their "hot deli" was filled with Thanksgiving food, and people "gobbling" it up, or at least putting it into containers to gobble later! It did smell good! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Bridget, across the water!

  11. This is such a clever approach to the challenge, Linda! It's fun to think of seasons aligned with particular drinks. You have me pondering what my choices might be, or what other seasonal harbingers I look for. Your ending line is especially wonderful!!

    1. Thanks, Molly, I imagine we all have favorites for the seasons! When it gets cold, chili is my go to meal!

  12. Thanks so much for mentioning TLD3, Linda. I'm glad your copy arrived! I love your take on Becky's food poem challenge. Drinks are so often forgotten when it comes to seasonal treats, but where would I be without hot cocoa this season and a little rum slipped into my eggnog?

    1. Oh, I get eggnog every year, especially for my son-in-law! It's his holiday favorite! Thanks, Michelle!

  13. Lovely celebration of beverages!

    1. Thanks, Ruth. I wonder what your favorite is?

  14. Well, NOW I'm thirsty, too! Thanks for this free-flowing tribute to what fills our glasses. Happy Thanksgiving! XO

    1. Thanks, Robyn, just the thought of one of these makes me thirsty, too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!

  15. Such a fun, tasty poem! I love the Starbucks stanza with the irony of "not free." I am one of those fans of pumpkin spice and always wonder why they take it away. There must be some marketing genius in it.

    1. Thanks, I do think it's all about the marketing! And I know many who get excited when it's time for it to appear again. Thanks, Margaret!


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