
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Poetry Friday - Who Won?

           Poetry Friday is hosted today by Michelle Heidenrich Barnes at Today's Little Ditty! Today, she has a marvelous surprise!

          I had fun this week with a challenge on FB thanks to Heidi Bee Roemer to write a higgledy-piggledy, which is a double dactyl containing nonsense language. This humorous form pokes fun at the subject, which must be mentioned in Line 2 AND it must contain a single six-syllable word in the closing stanza. I know I wrote one when I worked with Renee La Tulippe, but cannot find it. You can find more information about the double dactyl here at the Poetry Foundation. They are not easy!


Courting their nemesis,
Tesla and Edison.
DC or AC.

Both men electrically.
fancied the power called 
Linda Baie ©


  1. That's one winning poem Linda, so succinct and wonderful rhythm, wow–good job, and good challenge too!

  2. Bwhahahahahahaha. Love it! I saw that challenge but quickly backed away from how tough it was to find just the right words. Well done, Linda B. Egocentricity, indeed!

  3. You did it with polish and pizzazz! That it quite a poem going from nonsense language with a punch to a power thought.

  4. Two people in one double dactyl! I think the ones I've read before just had one person. You really took up the challenge and ran with it :-) I like the "powerful" wordplay.

  5. Linda, you knocked this poem out of the park! It's historical, biographical, and sticks to the form. AND funny to boot.

  6. Love it! I have tried a couple of double dactyls also.. tricky! This one takes on a big moment in history and offers poetic justice. Cheers to you!

  7. This is awesome, Linda! I love the ending. :D You all are making me want to dive back into writing double dactyls!

  8. Wow! So impressed with your wordplay. Our book club read The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore a couple of years ago. Egocentricity is the perfect word for these two.

  9. Thank you everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed this poem fun. I am so interested in the history of Edison and Tesla, had to find a way to write about them!

  10. Clever, Linda! It's fun to see a revised version of your original Facebook post. Writing a double dactyl is quite a process, isn't it! Well done!!

  11. Ha! I like your poem this week. Fun and accurate :) Nice work!

  12. Gosh - this is a tricky form, but you did brilliantly, Linda! Such a fun poem to read aloud.

  13. So fun! You did a great job with that challenge!

  14. Hee-hee! Brilliant, Linda! That is a really tough form and you nailed it. =)

  15. This is a fabulous example of the form. Such a challenge, but fun word play. I love your words electrically, undemocratically, and egocentricity. So clever!


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