
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Back to Poetry Friday - August Arrives

     Poetry Friday is hosted by Laura Purdie Salas here! She's sharing a laugh in a poem, some advice and support for all. Thanks for hosting, Laura, this first Friday in August.

     I took the month of July off from posting, busy with the bookstore where I work and planning for our family's beach trip in the final two weeks. I am well, but the Covid virus made me change my plan. I've managed to stay mostly home for all these months, and sadly, it just didn't feel safe to go. 
     Like others who are sharing, I've been rather scattered, seemed to be stuck, but also moving from task to task, sometimes without finishing one before I move to the other. I was reading less, and writing so little.

     Thus, this post is one of gratitude to Heidi Mordhorst at My Juicy Little Universe, but truthfully, Heidi on twitter (@HeidiMordhorst). Seeing her ideas of #makesomething and the wonderfully creative #magazineticpoetry inspired way to do something. I've done it a bit differently, creating journal pages with magazine words sketching and pairing, what I called #everydaythings with the small poems. It gives me joy to get back into #wordplay and it's simply #fun. I'm not the greatest artist, but I find that quite a joy, nevertheless. Thanks very much, Heidi!


  1. I like the path you made with Heidi's magazineticpoetry,/#makesomething poetry. Hard to believe it's been almost 5 months… We are all seeing home and where we live in all new ways. I agree, creating helps, thanks Linda for your special creations!

    1. Thanks, Michelle, yes, five months & I guess this "beat" will continue. I'm also doing some help as I can for the election.

  2. Oh, Linda, I LOVE this poem! I think it should be on billboards everywhere, a giggle for people who are struggling with isolation. (Hmmm... Maybe not billboards, therefore, because they may not be getting much reach these days.) Sorry you didn't get family beach trip. But far better to stay safe! Big hugs to you. xx

    1. Perhaps billboards in our cities? Ha! Thanks, Kat, wishing won't make it so, but I am hoping for better days & road trips, too!

  3. Oh, it's so good to see this fresh post. I'm all for a break. And, glad you have taken one. But, it's good to see your words here today. I understand that stop, start, wait, go feeling during these days. I want to feel productive so I try to "do" only to get easily distracted by emotions or news or a news conference of some sort. I like what you did with the zine by combining drawing and pasted words. Your humor remains intact with that last line, "reimagining home." Ha! I'm glad gratitude is one of your go to-s Positive people are holding up the rest of us these days. Gratitude helps.

    1. Yes, I remain positive, but I am less affected than some who are in terrible need. I'm hoping that they will get relief soon. And yes, scattered is the word & has been all along. Thanks, Linda, will keep on!

  4. Yay! So glad to read your words, Linda! I'm sorry about you missing your annual family beach vacation. I always love the posts from those special times. I love your #makesomething poem, especially the line "take a trip with your morning coffee". Sometimes all we need a warm cuppa and a sketch book to feel like we are a million miles away... :)

    1. I have missed reading everyone's words and how they're doing, Bridget and am happy to hear from you, knowing that being a million miles away often helps, right? Thank you!

  5. I am with you, Linda--I've been scattered, too, this past summer. I am grateful to come back to Poetry Friday and find inspiration again. I love your creation with words and sketches. I'm looking forward to trying some myself!

    1. Oh, I hope you will, Kay! And it is terrific to be back & reading everyone's wonderful poetry. Thank you!

  6. I've loved seeing these on Facebook - you're an inspiration!

    1. Thanks, Ruth. It's been a wonderful to way create something.

  7. I've caught a few of these on Twitter, but reading this one has definitely nudged me to go back and look for those I've missed. Isn't it wonderful how we can offer up sparks and inspiration to each other across the distance? I'm so glad that July offered sweet rewards--perhaps to compensate for your lost beach time. "Reinventing home"--true words indeed. Keep creating, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Molly. I haven't done very many, filling my time with other things like bookstore challenges, too, but when I can carve out the hour or so, I do. I knew I would use "reinventing home" the minute I saw it! : )

  8. Reinventing home--check! This rings so true (except the coffee part). I'm sorry for your canceled trip, Linda. Just feels like we're spinning in place some days...

    1. Well you know I agree, Laura, working hard to make some different approaches to things, hoping to "disrupt" for good! Thanks!

  9. I have felt the same, Linda. Hard to get down to one task and finish it. I am working on stories and poems about family, mostly... a change of focus, but fun for me. Soon I hope to post some... not ready yet. Best...Karen

    1. You are dear to share, Karen. It is nice to read that you're writing and about family, something you will love later! Thanks!

  10. You and Heidi inspire me! I can't wait to suggest this as some hands-on, no screen required, writing #fun in my online classroom!

    1. I am continuing to think of all of you doing that online "stuff", imagining what I would do in various places! I'll be having my granddaughters "after" for a couple of days a week. Thanks, Mary Lee. Best wishes to you this year!

  11. Oh, Linda, this is so lovely and inspiring. I can relate and I love this idea as a creative jumpstart.

    1. Thanks, Karen, it has been a terrific jumpstart for me.

  12. I've loved your poems on instagram. I played with words and wrote my first nonet all at the same time for last week's post. Sorry to hear that you didn't get your Florida trip this year. There are so many hard decisions to make right now. Excited that you'll have the girls for two days a week. What fun you'll all have learning and being together!

    1. Thanks, Ramona, it has been fun to do these poems. As long as the girls are in online learning, I'll have them. If they return to the buildings, I guess I won't. What a crazy time it is. Best wishes to you & your family!

  13. Linda, I missed you so I am glad that you are back with us. I hope your days have been filled with wonderful happenings as you reinvent home.


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