
Thursday, April 8, 2021

April - Poetry Month - Day Nine - New Trash - Ugh!


It's April. It's Poetry Month! And it's Poetry Friday hosted by Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference who's sharing a lot of poems in varied languages this week. Merci, pour l'hébergement aujourd'hui.

         Remember to check out the list of what everyone is doing at Susan Bruck's blog: Soul Blossom Living!
          Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!


My Plan: “I’m exploring the aesthetic of wabi-sabi, sometimes described as one that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. I think walking out in nature this past year gave me the joy needed to keep going, so I’ve gathered photos taken since March 2020 for inspiration in composing haigas, sometimes other forms.”     

new kind of trash,

wishing others knew

there’s a bag for that!

Linda Baie ©


  1. I see this all the time and it makes me sadder than other kinds of trash. The carelessness of tossing away something so important.

    1. I read that the loops are endangering some animals who get snared in them. I've been picking them up & cutting the loops. Yes, the newest trash I'm seeing, & little else, hard to understand. Thanks, Julieanne.

    2. I have seen that trash in many sites, Linda. I am not a proponent of discarding trash at random but so many people either lose their masks while walking or perhaps willingly throw it down.

    3. I guess they may lose them by mistake, but I've read it's becoming quite a problem. I really don't see much trash around where I walk except now these. Thanks!

  2. An unfortunate sign of the times. Ugh.

    1. Well, you can see I agree, wishing it weren't something new to fix! Thanks, Bridget!

  3. Yes, a sorry sight indeed. Littering in general is bad, but when you see this "new kind of trash" it's such a sad reminder. Those mask loops are the new plastic rings around soda cans -- harmful to wildlife. :(

    1. Oh, excellent analogy, Jama. I've stopped buying those six-packs because of the rings. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Is it weird that I am grossed out by seeing someone's discarded mask on the sidewalk? New kind of trash, for sure. There is a bag for it! (Margaret Simon)

    1. No, I don't think it's weird. I bring tissues to help me pick them up, & a paper bag for disposing. I'm glad you brought this up! Thanks, Margaret!

  5. I hate seeing that too! I often find them in grocery store parking lots—as if people can't get them off fast enough. Changing the subject, I'm so glad the Andres Amador video inspired you today, Linda. Much nicer to think about. :)

    1. Good point about taking the masks off fast! Yes, I did love that Amador clip - cannot wait to see if we can do anything when we go again. Thanks!

  6. Ughhhhhhhhh - there's definitely a bag for that, and I certainly don't want to pick up other people's masks... but I have been, because they drift on the wind into my front yard. I keep a rubber glove in the garage for just that reason... Thanks for sharing this reminder to not fling off face restraint so hastily that we forget the restraint needed to live within a society!

    1. Another Ugh from me too about them blowing into your yard, Tanita. Yes, wishing people would pay attention to this seemingly small thing & take care of their 'stuff'! Thanks!

  7. Yes, I also find it icky to pick up other people's germy trash. Sometimes we bring gloves & an extra bag when we walk the dog. Soon it will be time for Earth Day cleanups--hoping they will help.

    1. Yes, you have to be prepared, I agree. I haven't seen any in the water at the lake where I visit & I'm grateful for that. Thanks, JoAnn!

  8. Ugh, yuck!
    My mother-in-law has picked up cloth face masks that she found on the road and washed them. She found A LOT.

    1. Wonderful, but I must admit I have not seen any but the paper blue ones, Tabatha. Thanks for sharing that news!

  9. We usually have a couple on the school grounds each day. I guess they can't wait to get them off after wearing them all day.

  10. I have been noticing COVID artifacts lying around on the roadside and in parking lots...a mask, a latex glove...a styrofoam cup with a straw now takes on another whole dimension. A little mindfulness, People, goes so very far!

  11. Ugh. As if the pandemic weren't bad enough in and of itself...

  12. Thanks, all, I see that it's a problem in so many places.

  13. New trash, new kinds of a lot of things this past year. I enjoy your photos!

  14. I despise litter of all kinds. But this makes me both angry AND sad. Masks have become (ridiculously) such a political statement that flinging them to the ground feels almost like a rude gesture aimed specifically at certain people, not just the apathy of most litterers. I know I'm just projecting, but...Oi. Thank you and others who are picking them up. I need to start carrying a stick and paper bag on my walks.

  15. Thanks, Janice & Laura. The things I see thrown away, anywhere, mostly do seem deliberate, not a chance dropping. I don't understand why they think it's okay. I'll keep picking it up for sure!

  16. This is so true! I haven't seen too many discarded masks, but I always wonder why there is any trash on the roadside. There's a bag or bin for everything!

  17. I see this all the time and have yet to figure this out...they're concerned enough about life that they're wearing masks, but not concerned enough to dispose of them properly. (sigh)

  18. Hmmmm. I commented here I think or maybe it was on FB.....but.....I just can't believe the amount I have seen. Maybe not a ton. But still. Litter is a scourge. I love seeing groups pitch in to do a clean up come spring so at least some try hard to pitch in to make it better. But we should all do our part.
    Janet F.


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