
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

April - Poetry Month - Day Seven - Sky's Always There

It's April. It's Poetry Month!

         Remember to check out the list of what everyone is doing at Susan Bruck's blog: Soul Blossom Living!
          Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!


My Plan: “I’m going to explore the aesthetic of wabi-sabi, sometimes described as one that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. I think walking out in nature this past year gave me the joy needed to keep going, so I’ve gathered photos taken since March 2020 for inspiration in composing haigas, sometimes other forms.”     

walking day or night,

innumerable sky pictures –

comfort food

            Linda Baie ©


  1. What a great connection. How the beauty of the sky feeds us. And what a picture. I think the best moments are at the beginning and endings of each day.

  2. Yes! Comfort food. Perfect. Your car woes. Oh no! So sorry. Was the car in your driveway? Is it a new car? You make me wonder how this works with a leased car. I am so sorry. It's awful to wonder and worry when this kind of thing happens...... Janet F.

  3. Thanks, Julieanne & Janet. I have no garage, but an off-street parking space, sometimes feels safer, but it is open! It's old, but running well, or it was. I've wondered now about lease cars, too, Janet. I guess somehow they're covered!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Linda,
      My computer is on the "dying" act. So pman is my husband's eons old reply name. But I had no clue. Too long a story but it has been hard. Yesterday was a long travel day and today my computer could crash any minute. So......Thinking of you. I had no idea that this was a thing either but my husband had heard of it. It's really hard, I am sure, but your poetry is so nice. And so are you

    3. Thanks, Janet! I'm sorry about the computer!

  4. Great for your health and a whole lot less calories. Ha!

  5. Sky 'food' is sustenance from above... :)

  6. I love "sky pictures" and "comfort food." Perfect! And I'm so sorry about your car!!What a pain!!!

  7. Thanks, Carol & Bridget. I keep on taking those pictures, a meal for the day!

  8. Comfort food, indeed. I can never get enough of that blue sky soup!

    1. Love it, Michelle. "Blue Sky Soup" sounds like a very good picture book!


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