
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Poetry Friday - Anticipation


Thanks to Carol Varsalona at Beyond Literacy Link for hosting today.  

I'm beginning to read for Cybil's Poetry Judging - Round Two. It's a pleasure to read the finalists, each one a gem!

       I am always so taken by beginnings, perhaps because I was a teacher and every year's start filled me up with anticipation. So I began to mess around with this new year, 2022, beginning, wondering the five w's and h. Who will be prominent in my life, who will be new, what exciting things will happen, when might I travel and where, why might things get worse? I love the wonder of it, whether good or not.

Wishing you all a fabulous new year!

 A favorite book for every
new year! 

What The New Year Knows


Other years bid us goodbye.

Twenty-one won’t even try.

Sad to say, it’s hanging on

with pandemic Omicron.


Yet, my optimism stays

charging forth in winsome ways.

Twenty-two sees humans act

as kindnesses become a pact.


January’s winter show,

up and down, prep as you go.

February, hearts and flowers,

same as usual, sometimes showers.


No matter how hours carry on,

Reliable remains my song.  

Month by month, I will abide.

Your new year’s ready for the ride!


              Linda Baie ©



  1. Bravo! This is a poem for reading aloud. It's joyful and fun and true all at the same time. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Yikes, hooray, whew, and amen! Thank goodness for reliable optimism. I hope kindnesses become a pact. Thanks, Linda!

  3. I love that you've filled this poem optimism, Linda! Let's all work together to make sure that "kindnesses [does] become a pact." Wishing you a year that is filled with love and joy!

  4. Linda, the opening to your poem is right on target and made me laugh because it is so true. Love the optimism that runs throughout the poem. We got our a second snowfall and cold temps last night.

  5. I'm laughing and also crying over the opening stanza of your poem, Linda. I hope you have an easy ride through 2022! --Laura Shovan

  6. Hooray for your enduring optimism, Linda. Yes, we do hang on as best we can... I agree about your reliability! Thank you, my friend!

  7. Ha - brilliant, Linda! This makes my day. And here's to more of your indomitable and generous spirit spreading around, and less of Covid in 2022...XO

  8. I appreciate the optimism in your poem! Your never-give-up attitude is the only way to get through difficult things. Maybe there will be some pleasant surprises this year, Linda.

  9. A read-aloud delight of just plain fact, Linda. I await my new beginning somewhat later this year as I prepare to Stick it to the Man and retire from the classroom. I'll be riding along on your optimism, if you don't mind!

  10. Yippee! I love your exuberant poetic optimism, Linda! Bring it on, '22! :)

  11. Your New Year poem fills me with hope and I love its jauntiness too!🤗 Also like your 5 W’s and H for starting the year, and the “Calendar” book by Myra Cohn Livingston looks 😊 great. Happy Cybil's reading and thanks for this robust post Linda!

  12. Thanks everyone, I'm off to pick up a granddaughter for the day, another good thing for the new year!

  13. Lots of love in your poem, Linda. Like others have said, it fills me with hope! Happy New Year!

  14. SO fun! I love those exclamations between the stanzas!

  15. Linda, this is awesome! And I don't know this book of Myra's. Off to see if my library has it. Your poem seems to sum you up--a lovely blend of wonder, acceptance, dependability, kindness, and excitement. I also love pondering the new year, though I haven't had the chance yet this year. Feeling grumpy about that! Happy 2022, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee & Laura. It was a fun way to start my year. Laura, I am sorry it's been a tough start, hoping January rises! The Livingston book is wonderful & I hope you can find it! I get it out every year and start over!


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