
Thursday, April 14, 2022

April - Poetry Month - Day Fourteen - A Granddaughter Treasure


        The bookmark, on top of the picture above, came into the bookstore at the end of March. Often people do donate books and leave 'treasures' in them. This time, it became my own treasure and I knew what I would do for April's poetry, write about found treasures, perhaps find new places to look? Happy April!

Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!  

       This is a big day for someone in my family. My oldest granddaughter, Ingrid, is thirteen today. I could write a lot about the treasure Ingrid is to me, to her family. This time, I wrote from the POV of those around her, around our own children or grandchildren growing up. 

         The picture is from yesterday. Her wish was to go shopping with me to choose some new clothes. The bucket hat is one new thing!

        Ingrid’s Birthday


I remember, as a grandmother,

and as a mother,

when the toddler let go my hand

toddled on down the walk,

a time I realized I’d be saying goodbye

for all the coming years.

Now Ingrid at Thirteen 

takes another step away.

It’s sad and happy for her parents,

for me, too.

We want this;

we don’t want this.

Life’s contradictions 

offer the bittersweet,

but we choose the sweet.


Linda Baie ©

Happy Birthday sweet Ingrid!


  1. Love this! Happy Birthday to Ingrid! What a fabulous poem and photo -- she's so beautiful, and now she's a teenager. Hard to believe. A treasure for sure.

    1. Thanks, Jama. That growing up is amazing to behold. I am glad she's in my life, as I am of the other two as well. No more babies!

  2. The truth and beauty and pain of this is truth. Happy Birthday to Ingrid who has the most loving and wise grandma ever. Your poem has a friend in this one, Linda - xoxo

    1. Oh, Amy, thank you for that poem. It too is truth! I know you've had those big transitions in recent years with your children, now not exactly children anymore. Thanks much!

  3. Phew, big truth here! I remember dropping Isaiah off for the first day of middle school, and watching him walk up the sidewalk to his first day of high school football practice! Definitely bitter and sweet! And yes, enjoy the sweet because it goes by so, so fast!

    1. Yes, I know it does, & think most of us remember those layers of goodbyes. Thanks, Carol!


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