
Thursday, February 2, 2023

#PoetryFriday - Love My Mail

             Poetry Friday is with Laura Shovan HERE on her website.  Don't miss her introduction to Laura Purdie Salas' new book, Finding Family, which sounds like quite a lovely and poetic story about loons who are raising a duckling.

         Hooray! It's warming up here in Denver, last I looked there was the sun and 45 degrees. If you believe that's laughable and not so warm, a high of 6 happened last Monday.  Thanks, Laura Shovan for hosting!

          I'm warming up also with more marvelous postcards and happy notes from Jone's postcard extravaganza. Here's what I found in the mail this past week. Thanks, Gail A., Carol V., Margaret S., and Linda M. (Click to enlarge.)

Linda Mitchell sends wishes with the rabbit's good luck!

I love being outside, and scenes like this one from Gail Aldous

Sorry that the mail messed up Margaret's card,
but it remains the sweetest message. She has a new grandbaby!

I'm not ready for more snow. Our snowfall from weeks ago
still hasn't melted. Yet I love Carol's picture
and message that "life glistens". 

        I wrote it before and now write it again. The postcard wishes and beautiful words make a fantastic welcome to the new year. Thanks to everyone! 

a snow-crunching walk
for words of wishes in the mail –
cuddle-up reading

Linda Baie ©


  1. Beautiful postcards from beautiful poets. Love your haiku hike to the post box, Linda. :)

  2. Stunning postcards, lovely landscapes, new babies and more. The crunch to the mailbox worth it! Thanks, Linda. Stay warm.

  3. Yes to postcards from poets warming up the day! Snow crunch is such a fascinating sound...thanks for putting it in a poem! And thank you for sharing, Linda. xo

  4. What a lovely trove of postcards! I'm partial to Linda M.'s bunny one since I was born in the year of the rabbit. :) ~ jama

  5. Hooray for fun and full mailboxes. Snail mail is treasure. I'd say 45 is cold...but I'm at a much lower temperature here. I sooooooo look forward to spring.

  6. It's a cuddle up day for reading indeed, Linda. I chose the backdrop of snow for its beauty not for a wish for frigid cold. I am so glad that you are finally in the 40s with a snow-crunching walk. I can hear the sounds. Poetry wishes to you and thoughts of warmer weather.

  7. You are all contributing to the continuation of a time honoured form of communication. You are all recipients of time honoured joyful tidings, promoting a sense of anticipation around the mailbox. Linda, these cards are no doubt treasures for each recipient, for they represent much in the way of thoughtful endeavours. A time investment that delivers intrinsic and extrinsic reward.

  8. A post full of beauty and warmth (even though it's cold). We've been in the minus area quite a bit lately. Think we're getting up to 30 tomorrow!

  9. It was a joy to participate in the postcard swap and just as fun to read your joy in receiving them.

  10. I love that these cards have sprinkled in each week.

  11. "words of wishes" - I love the sound of that!

  12. What lovely surprises in the mail! Enjoy! I just finished reading Roald Dahl's "Boy" for the second time.What a life! No wonder he wrote what he did.

  13. What a treasure of postcards. Thanks for sharing them with all of us. Kay

  14. All this inspiration in the middle of winter - just beautiful! Thanks for sharing. (I missed participating this year, but I don't even know which address I'm waking up at these couple of months...;0) ) Love getting to see the goodness!

  15. I'm collecting mine one by one as well, enjoying the views from all over. Your wee verse at the end is so cozy!

  16. Your haiku is such a sweet appreciation for mail from poetry friends, Linda.


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