
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Poetry Friday - Kindnesses Noticed


             It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge here, for hosting with lovely wishes for mothers, and a loving haiku after her grandson was born. 

              Last week when I hosted here, I shared a poem about kindness and a second article that was a collective poem by the same author who gathered comments from teens who wanted to share their personal experiences of kindness. So, I asked those here from Poetry Friday friends to write about theirs, too. Here is our own collaboration celebrating the kindnesses we appreciate in our own lives. Our world feels like a great recipe gone wrong these recent months. I am grateful for the special moments shared. 

Thanks to Margaret Simon for permission
to share. Her sharing about this is marked with
an asterisk!
"Beautiful people...
Beautiful place...
Beautiful plants..."

Kindness In Our Lives


       I'm also thankful for the kindness of the strangers that rushed to help you.


The subway riders in DC pushing us forward on a rush hour train to help us get off at our stop (2012) or the student who pressed a penny he saved into my palm telling me that It will help me to "save the world" after a year of hearing my environmental lessons in garden club - never once did I tell the children to "save the world," or just the person who holds the door open for me at the store. All small but important occurrences in my world that gave/give me hope. 


       Suggesting an exercise for a person with a painful foot cramp.


I like to think that kindness eventually wins.


       When a friend buys you dinner and asks -- genuinely -- how the writing is going.


Each summer, I love when my neighbor stops by and surprises me with fresh lettuce and squash from his garden.


       Just yesterday I was struck by the smile from a stranger who held the door for me while I crossed the street. That small act stayed with me all afternoon.


These poems are a balm...the balm I need.


       Kindness is a clerk at Lowe's loading bags of soil into the trunk of her own car to deliver to your school for the butterfly garden. *Kindness is the girl handing you a colorful picture of flowers, a multi-folded notebook page with a poem about kindness, and you don't even teach her. She just notices you in the carpool line and wants to make you smile again. 


When my next-door neighbor comes by with treats to celebrate her holidays. (I love being included in celebrating, even though I am unfamiliar with her holidays.) 


       Kindness is the generosity of fellow writers who help you lift your work to the next level.


Kindness is the friend who sends a poem, a podcast, an article, 
simply saying, "You'll love this," or "This made me think of you."


       I'm thankful for all the kindness that surrounded you in the aftermath of that accident. 


Out of this unfortunate incident, you've chosen to focus on the positive by sharing Lameris's initial poem, and then the collaborative one, a much-needed reminder of the power of small gestures towards our fellow human beings. 


       Today is kindness day at our end-of-school countdown.


When I ask someone to pull up their mask to keep me safe, and they're confused but do it anyway-- because they don't want me to be afraid, because they respect my right to live, because it costs them nothing but means everything to me


       I've been thinking about how complete I feel when I walk by the little free library in the touristy part of town and see that someone has filled it up with lovely volumes. 


When I mentioned our car problems, our daughter whose life is chaotically busy asked if we needed rides anywhere today. Also, when another person at the gym and I both go toward the same machine and then we both gesture to each other to go first. :>)


        Linda, kindness is you sharing these collaborative poems of kindness. It is kind of you to ask us to write a kindness that happened to us. Kindness is Michelle leaving a link so others could read the rest of the first poem you posted in case we couldn't use your link. Our oldest daughter is on a well-deserved beach vacation with her boyfriend and two other friends. Kindness is my daughter taking time to take video and photos of the ocean waves crashing and sharing them with me because she knows how much I love to see and hear ocean waves. Kindness is my cat purring while patiently waiting for me.


This afternoon I was with a fifth-grade class. We had just done a writing mini-lesson, and everyone was writing. It was quiet-  unusual for this particular class full of kids who love to talk. Then it started. A tickle in my throat. A little cough. A dry feeling in my throat. Another cough. This kept repeating. It was time for me to move on to my next group. As I was leaving, I heard my name spoken softly. And one of the boys held out his hand with a cough drop.  Wow.

Although I'm not a dog person, I smile when I see the clean & refreshed bowls of water left under the spigot at a local greenway popular with canines & their caretakers, as recently as this Monday. It's great when owners bring their own bowls, but even more wonderful that someone (multiple ones?) are caring for the panting canine community at large. 


       Kindness is a stranger's help lifting your sick dog into the car. I was driving to CA two days ago with a dog I thought had a bladder infection. But her pain was increasing with every mile. Something was wrong. When I stopped to let her out for a break, I couldn't get her back in the car. A young guy on a skateboard saw me crying, cajoling her. He helped me lift her, even as he told me he was afraid of dogs.


One recent example is a friend at work bringing me a bottle of vitamin C tablets when I had a bad cold. They really helped! 


       I've been under the weather, and the other day my sweet hubby went to 3 different pharmacies to get the meds I needed...and son brought meant so much. xo


Thank you for hosting and for a poem about kindness - something we need so much. 


                                                                                                     penned by - ALL of us 

        I wonder if you've viewed this long ago? It's years old. Perhaps you've forgotten or perhaps, like me, I play it for others and for myself when a smile is needed. After reading all that you wrote, time to celebrate, right?  


  1. Thank you for focusing on the kindness that really does surround us all. I suspect there's much more out there, it's just quieter than the deafening madness that seems to be roaring out of control. Watching that Ode to Joy flashmob (also one of my favorites) is the perfect way to begin the day!

    1. Thanks, Catherine! Yes, I guess it is quieter but hoping it will help in saving us. I thought most will have seen the Ode to Joy yet wanted to share in case someone has not.

  2. Thanks for your goosebumpy post Linda, that fills us all up inside with JOY and closing with more with the song—your invitation to share and then gather to create this poem-post shares, shines, and sparkles 💖 with Kindness!

    1. It was a huge pleasure to do this, Michelle! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing these kindnesses and for focusing on the positive!!

    1. You're welcome, Jama. It was fun and rewarding to do.

  4. Oh my goodness--the cough drop. And the skater helping with the sick dog. I've got tears on my cheeks and a smile on my face reading all these. Thank you!

    1. I know, so many special moments, right? Thanks, Laura!

  5. Linda, what a lovely collection of kind things we shared. It was a joy to read and I'm bawling after listening to the Ode to Joy flash mob. I had heard it before, but every moment listening again brought joy and celebration. Thank you for two weeks in a row of uplifting posts!

    1. Thank you for coming by, Denise. I think that 'Ode to Joy' is something I wish I could give to all the angry people in the world. It feels like it would help.

  6. Linda, Thank you for this uplifting post! So many great examples of kindness. It IS out there, like anything important we all need to look for it, grasp it, and never ever let go! Also, BTW, Ode to Joy is one of my most favorite pieces - we had it played at our wedding! Thank you for compiling all the kindness examples into a lovely post! It was so kind of you!

    1. Oh, I love hearing that you played "Ode to Joy" at your wedding. Yes, it felt as if it was the cap to all the other wonderful things all the poets shared. Thanks, Carol!

  7. Heartwarming to read these stories of kindness- and, would you believe, as I was reading, my neighbor, a single mom with two children, messaged to ask if I would like some chicken pasta casserole… and brought it over, still warm! Warmed my tummy and my heart!!

    1. Marvelous, to read what happened and to know you have such a thoughtful neighbor! I'm so happy you shared, Diane. Thank you!

  8. You are one of the kindest people I know, Linda - and what a treasure of special moments and words you've assembled here. Truly good medicine in these days when the world seems to have gone crazy. xo

    1. Aw, thank you, Robyn, but as we all see, there are many kind people out there, including you! It is for sure good medicine!

  9. Thank you, Linda, for this celebration of kindness. I've been feeling discouraged. Loved hearing the ode to Joy.

    1. Wish I knew who you were, but you are welcome. It makes me happy that it gave you some joy!

  10. Thank you for casting this spotlight on all the good that happens everyday - Such an important reminder for all of us! And Ode to Joy! What a lift going into the weekend.

    1. You're welcome, Patricia. I thought most everyone had seen the "flash mob" but wanted to share & remind in case someone had either forgotten or missed it.

  11. This is a beautiful...good medicine for my soul. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome, Linda. Glad it gave you a boost!

  12. Thank you, Linda. For the reminder that kindness is everywhere that we are as long as we carry it into the world with us -- giving and not just receiving. And thank you for the flash mob. I've seen it many times, and it makes me cry every. single. time. Whether or not the little girl at the beginning is a plant, she is also the reminder to pay attention to joy and beauty. The faces in the audience -- rapt, smiling, mouthing "wow" -- are a reminder of how joy spreads. Great way to start the day. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome, Mary Lee. It all makes me wonder where all those people are today, how they managed through the Pandemic, and that little girl, growing up now, yes, whether plant or not.

  13. Your post is full of joy, Linda! Thank you for sharing the Ode to Joy flashmob - I hadn't seen it before. It's so good to remember all the kindnesses in the world.

  14. I'm in tears. We need to shout these out to the universe, to the stupid people in Congress who are not dealing with the real tough stuff. We need small kindnesses. It gives us hope, a reason to be here. Keep reaching out to strangers. Keep passing on the kindness.

  15. I loved seeing these all together! Thank you for posting!

  16. Thank you, Rose, Margaret, & Marcie. It's been wonderful to see that you took some goodness from the post. Yes to being kind!

  17. Thanks again, Margaret for your special story and picture!

  18. Linda I missed last week's post, but so glad I dropped in now to see this wonderful collection of kindnesses. You are very kind to have gathered them up for us - and to share that flash mob, which I remember watching a long time ago but am so glad to revisit.

  19. What a nice way to begin Mother's Day! With all this wonderful kindness. Thank you, Linda. Just lovely.

  20. Thanks, Sally & Susan, so glad you enjoyed reading & watching!

  21. Linda, I read your post on Friday but I guess the comment did not go through. I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful. Your post is so full of joy. Thank you for this uplifting video and the crowd-sourced poem. I love the line about the stranger lifting a sick dog. There were so many fabulous thoughts on kindness. I have been busy with family and my daughter's difficult pregnancy. She had to go to the hospital for an IV since she was dehydrated from a horrible stomach bug. I am grateful for those who knew to lift prayers up for her. She has 3 weeks until she is induced and we pray each day that she can hold off a sooner induction. Kindness starts with one and moves on. On Twitter we have several kindness pathways. It is good to know that many friends, like you are filled with a positive spirit.

    1. I have comment moderation turned on after 3 days, & your comment was there, waiting for me to approve. Thank you for taking the time during your worrying about your daughter. I am sorry and wish her all the best wishes in her days ahead.


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