
Thursday, June 15, 2023

It's a Poetry Friday Buzz


             It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Michelle Kogan HERE for hosting. She's sharing beautiful words and art as a celebration of feathered dads, also those dads in our lives now and those we miss. 

Happy Father's Day! 

             Well, it is summer. While I am attacked infrequently when out in the garden, sometimes I feel the tickle of you know what, a mosquito! We've had a lot of rain recently, something unusual for us in Denver, setting records. Thus, already more insects, like bees, spiders, roly polies (pill bugs), no butterflies yet, hoping soon! 







buzz and whine,





you’re mine, you’re mine!

swat, slap,

gone this time.

Linda Baie © 

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy


  1. Ha! Oh, those little beasties just torture me. I've heard that they go for some types of blood more than others...and I seem to have what they want. I have slapped a few in my time--which reminds me--I need to go out back and get to that weeding.

    1. I'm sorry for your plight, Linda. I have also heard about the blood type theory, perhaps true? I get very few bites but am still wary when I hear that buzz! Thanks!

  2. Knocking on wood as I say that we have had fewer mosquitos than usual this year! Most years, they eat me up. I'm happy for "gone this time."

    1. I guess they've moved our way, Tabatha! Some won't be so happy here! It's a June flip-flop, I guess. Thanks!

  3. Mosquitos suck (get it?) but your poem doesn't, Linda. Thanks for giving us the "buzz and whine" of those pesky pests without the bite. :)

    1. Oh, yes, I got it! : ) Also I was just talking to a granddaughter who's heading for a long week of camping about ticks, who also "suck"! You're welcome to that "buzz and whine", Bridget, and please keep it, too!

  4. Linda, that poem needs to be tucked in my pocket. I have tried so many remedies for bug bites. Last week I got 10 small bites and it looks like a pathway to the stars on my leg. Although I could laugh about it, it is quite annoying. "swat, slap," doesn't make the darn bugs fly away from me. I guess I will spend the summer listening to the buzz, buzz, and trying the "Swap, slap" of the cute yellow fly swatter with a flower that I bought.

  5. Mosquitoes love me. I hate them. Rooting for your swat and slap every time, Linda :>D

  6. Perfect poem for that particular unwanted insect Linda! They unfortunately like me too. Your poem made me 😊 I’ll have to remember it while swatting away, thanks!

  7. Oh, Carol, Laura, and Michelle, wishing you a good remedy for those pests! They're coming for sure with all our rain, which it is doing most of today! Thanks for sharing your own 'swatting' stories.

  8. We have tons of mosquitos this year here in the Northwoods of WI. We are owing it to a very wet and cool spring. But we're trying to go about our daily hikes and business anyway, which includes a good deal of swatting.

  9. Ha! Your poem will be a familiar refrain all summer, I'm sure. I did come in from our porch last night because of the hungry little beasties - managed to avoid a bite but probably not for long. (We'd had a lot of rain.) Happy Summering!

  10. Linda, mosquito bites may be on our list of cons for NC. We don't have too many mosquitoes in the Pacific NW and I've never missed the pesky buggers. Love it when I'm successful with the swat and slap!

  11. Thanks, Carol, Robyn, & Ramona. It rained all day yesterday so I guess that will mean more. . . Best wishes to you all!

  12. With so much water, we are expecting a summer of bites, too. We also are gifted with yellow jackets, though I'm hoping our frosty overnight lows might kill off some of their ground hives. On my better days, I try to tolerate the buzzy ones...surely they are good for something!

  13. "swat, slap" indeed, Linda! I wear long sleeves to keep them off my skin (and a net over my face so they stay out of my eyes).

  14. The buzz and whine can drive me crazy when they get in the house. Ugh! Lots of swatting and slapping happens here, too. :)

  15. I remember the misery of being “eaten up” by mosquitoes in my Indiana childhood. Sometimes I looked like a pink polka-dotted alien after my mom dabbed all the bites with a cotton ball covered in calamine lotion . Worse was when the cotton ball was soaked with hydrogen peroxide! Watching it bubble up did not take away the sting or the itch.

  16. Thanks one more time to those who've come by. I'm wishing you a "buzz-free" summer!


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