
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Poetry Friday - It's Scary!


          It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Jan Godown Annino HERE at her blog, Bookseedstudio for hosting.  Don't miss the poems she's sharing from several anthologies, including one of her own and a poem by Buffy Silverman about marvelous fireflies! 

          It's the end of the month and time for the challenge by the #PoetrySisters, hashtag #poetrypals: "If you’d like to write with us next month, we’re writing monotetras (never heard of ’em). You can post yours on your blog on July 28, or on social media using #PoetryPals, or in the comments on one of the Poetry Sisters’ blogs. All are welcome!"

         Well, I've been watching the weather news all week. The high nineties here in Denver is usual for us in July but what isn't usual are the records being broken in Florida, Arizona, parts of Texas, and more. It's especially hard to read that the ocean water temp reached 100 and a bit over. Some say that's how they set their hot tubs! Eureka!

           Thus, I'm worried and attempted a poem about Climate Change and the need for other change, not next year, but now! You can read this article from CNN or this one from the University of South Florida to discover what is being done now to help save ocean reefs and the creatures who live in them!

   pay attention, 

                      a monotetra


anemones are now distraught

they know the water’s all too hot

our weather is a boiling pot

we were not taught, we were not taught


‘twas years ago, climes told us more

to look for hurt, things to restore

but Exxon and others before

portrayed as lore, portrayed as lore


now we have disasters to meet

a dome o’er all we must defeat

be resolved to lessen the heat

corals entreat, corals entreat


                                  Linda Baie ©


  1. It is terrifying! Hard to fathom that the waters near parts of Florida have reached hot tub temperatures. "Corals entreat" hits my heart!

  2. our weather is a boiling pot -- wow! I really love your first stanza, especially, Linda. Nice job with this tricky (to me) form!

  3. This is sobering, isn't it?
    And I like what you said - so much we were portrayed as "lore" and now... yeah. Not just a story anymore.

  4. Linda, so powerful. Thank you for giving voice to the corals. "We were not taught" is bitter. We weren't, but now the climate is yelling at us to pay attention. Thank you.

  5. Thanks, everyone. I've been in and out today, with meetings and chores keeping me away from the computer. I hope I can catch up over the weekend!

  6. Wow! This poem is so well done and such an important warning. The boiling pot oceans have really been horrifying to hear about.

    1. Thanks, Marcie, we certainly haven't been listening, have we?

  7. Yes, we must "pay attention" to our dear anemones and coral reef and do something fast–Appreciations Linda for your heartfelt call out to help. I just heard a review either on Science Friday or NPR regarding the coral and how the high temps are making it impossible to survive, what a horrible mess we've created. 😔

  8. Linda, I saw a news spot on what was happening to the ocean reefs and the animals in the area. It was so sad. Did we not hear several years ago that climate change was not real (when we all knew that it was a huge issue for our Planet Earth)? Now we know that we ALL have to be proactive. Your poem is a call to action. Your last stanza is strong. Thanks for providing your ideas through poetry.

    1. Thanks, Carol. I imagine you saw the same (or similar) piece I saw, with scientists hurrying to bring some of the animals into tanks to save them. It is alarming to think we've done this without concern at all.

  9. I like the tone of your poem, the accessibility of it. I think the rhyme is part of it, that keeps us reading to hear it. "boiling pot" is something we all can understand and the recent photos of the bleached corals resonates in your last lines. Hope you are having a wonderful summer, Linda.

    1. Thanks, Janice, so far, it's been terrific, with lots of blessed rain!

  10. " resolved to lessen the heat" is a banner line in a wonderful poem of love & care fpr our plant. You are reminding us of actions that can & are being taken. Appreciations!

    1. I have seen those beautiful sea creatures & am very worried, Jan. This is a poem I had to write! Thanks!


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