
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Poetry Friday - My Clunker


          It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Marcie Flinchum Atkins HERE at her blog for hosting. Marcie always shares the most beautiful blossom pictures with a haiku, this time about roadside chicory. Be sure you take a look at her post and also discover all about The Sealey Challenge that she is taking on in August. Perhaps it'll be something to interest you, too! 

          Two weeks ago, here, Linda Michell hosted Poetry Friday and reminded us about her annual "clunker" challenge. I saved the list, and have had a lot of fun imagining a connection with each one. But the one that spoke loudly to me and what I wrote is below. The picture is of my youngest grandchild, Imogene, on a walk long ago. She'll be twelve this month! I have been thinking of all my grandchildren and those of others too as the changes in our laws have astounded and worried me. It feels as if we're returning to my own young days. Yes, I'm that old! Thus, Linda's words, "Catch a falling/Word hold/Onto it." brought me to my poem below. Thanks, Linda!



  1. 💗 the tension and turn in your poem, Yes set us/words free, thanks for all Linda!

  2. It's no longer a clunker, Linda. What a delightful pairing of photo and poem. Love the sentiment of what its means to be free because people use freedom these days to restrict it.

  3. Thank you, Michelle & Janice! I couldn't let that word "free" go unnoticed!

  4. Linda, yes this one is for all grandchildren. I delight in your words and love the photo of Imogene. Life passes us by so fast. I love that you used the word "be". It has been a wonderful guide word for me this year.

  5. Ah, so perfect! I have watched small children blow dandelions with delight. Now I will hear "catch a falling word" with them!

  6. Lovely! Free to be - indeed! and free to be with words.

  7. What a sweet picture and poem!

  8. What a great photo and your poem is the perfect companion, Linda!

  9. Thanks, Rose, Mary Lee, & Carmela. It was fun to write & sneak in that 'falling word'.

  10. What a beautiful poem! Your granddaughter is adorable! I love the name Imogene. (I am sure you have probably read Imogene's Antlers, such a fun story.)

    1. Thanks, Tracey. Imogene is named after Imogene Pass, near Telluride, CO, a special place of her parents & where they married. She's 12 this month, but this remains a favorite picture. Yes, we know Imogene's Antlers, & others. Thanks for the reminder, though.

  11. I love this! You made beauty out of a clunker. I need to post clunker poem too. I emailed it to Linda earlier this week.

    1. Thanks, Marcie, Linda makes it fun, doesn't she?

  12. You created a gem, Linda, as always. Your picture of Imogene is precious. And yes, let's hold onto that falling word, hold on to being free.

  13. I love how you combined the idea of a falling word with dandelion seeds. There are so many powerful layers of meaning--the importance of dandelions for pollinators and words for thinkers. How restricting each creates significant rippling problems. And so on...Well done!

  14. Thanks, Karen & Molly. I'm glad you see the layers of the poem!

  15. The 'clunker' words no longer clunk, Linda - they fly!

  16. Adorable photo of your granddaughter in her dandelion yellow dress ;) with a terrific little poem to match!

  17. Thanks, Anastasia & Karen. As I wrote earlier, this 'clunker' was very fun to write!

  18. Linda M is hard at work because of stupid laws. It's maddening, isn't it? Did you watch Judy Blume's documentary? It's on Amazon Prime. It's wonderful. We need our Judys to speak out with their national voices. I love how your tiny poem says so much. If anything in this world should be free, words absolutely should be.

    1. I haven't watched but will is I ever get less busy! I'm glad you understand the "falling" word, and knew that Linda M. understood, too. Yes, it's terrible! Thanks, Margaret!


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