
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Poetry Friday - Poetry Swap Gratitude


          It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Margaret Simon HERE at her blog, Reflections on the Teche for hosting.  Be sure you read Margaret's Ode today of a sweet strawberry gift! 

           The long, hot days of summer bring a certain languor. Often it feels as if there is little to do but sit still and hope for a breeze. Tabatha Yeatts-Lonske's loving idea for Poetry Swaps, summer and winter, bring joyful surprises in the mail, bring a kind of energy that's been lacking. This time, I had the pleasure of receiving special mail from Tabatha herself! Here, a lovely note, some cute stickers, a quote I've placed at my workspace, and a poem about kindness. 



Thanks so much, Tabatha!

I sigh and smile,

                read Thoreau,

                feeling blessed,

                ponder kindnesses

                we often miss:

                a smile and wave

                across the street,

                someone who stops

                to let me pet their dog,

                and someone –

                that poet across the miles –

                who writes a poem for me.


Linda Baie ©


  1. Your post feels like one big warm embrace, 💙 all the poems here, the pondering, the kindness of carrying on, the presence of Thoreau, and bear and empowering stickers, thanks Linda!

    1. You're right, it is a big hug! Thanks, Michelle!

  2. Tabatha's poem made me chuckle out loud. I am that person in the poem. My husband gives me the look when I get worked up. I didn't sign up this summer due to my 3 surgeries (2 eyes and a uterus), but I miss the connections made. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I can feel the heat reddening my cheeks from the inside out when I read Tabetha’s poem. How perfectly paired with your thoughts on kindness!

  4. "feeling blessed, / ponder kindnesses / we often miss" -- yes to all of this!

  5. Oh, Tabatha's poem is fabulous--thank you so much for sharing, Linda!

  6. It is delightful to receive, then share! Thanks, Margaret, Tracey, Anastasia, & Laura!

  7. This is Joyce Ray, still Anonymous for some reason, Linda. How lovely to receive treasures from a poet friend! Tabatha always makes one feel special, doesn't she? We can all relate to her poem, I think, and you wrote such a sweet response poem.

    1. That "anonymous" is a challenge to figure out! Thanks, Joyce, I agree. Tabatha gives kindness always! All of this was such a treat!

    2. That "anonymous" is a challenge to figure out! Thanks, Joyce, I agree. Tabatha gives kindness always! All of this was such a treat!

  8. Linda, I love your sweet response to Tabatha's kind gift. "I sigh and smile...that poet across the miles – who writes a poem for me." Beautiful. I also love the title of Tabatha's poem, and it reminds me of a collaboration you did about kindness in May. Lovely post today.

  9. LOVE in this post and from this post. How wonderful. Tabatha is one of the most thoughtful people. Her poetry swaps DO bring me energy and kindness and sparks of inspiration. I just love them. Thoreau in the summer? Yes please--well also in autumn, winter and spring.

  10. Thanks, Denise & Linda. This summer mail is a blessing, considering most of my other mail is often junk!

  11. I can't explain why I usually don't participate, except that I get overwhelmed by the desire to send the best most pleasing thing (and judgment about the overwhelm), and that gifts are not my love language, I guess. But I LOVE getting to enjoy your enjoyment of Tabatha's gifts, and then your knock-on response. Thanks for sharing, Linda!

  12. What a lovely package of poetry goodness!

  13. Thank you for writing ME a poem, Linda! You inspired me to keep thinking about kindness. It takes so many forms.

  14. I've been gone much of the day, happy that you enjoyed seeing Tabatha's gifts, Mary Lee, Heidi, & Marcie! Thank you! And Tabatha, it was a pleasure to reply, also I was inspired to do so! Thanks again!

  15. Loving the summer swap... Tabatha's poem for you was so fun!

  16. How cool to have that swap! What words of kindness both ways. I love the Thoreau quote and your poem, Tabatha. Graciousness!

  17. That's such a lovely poem of appreciation, Linda.

  18. Linda, we are all thankful that Tabatha is the poet across the miles! You and Tabatha made great poem partners. Kindness Matters. This weekend was a tough one so I am here late. I had a bad sinus infection that knocked me out. Tomorrow will be the 3rd time visiting a doctor.

    1. Yes, Tabatha's ideas to help us connect are wonderful, Carol. I'm so sorry to hear that you're ill. And you are dear to take time to come by. Thank you and best wishes for "better" soon!


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