
Saturday, April 27, 2024

April - Poetry Month - 2024, Day Twenty-Seven, Finding Memories

  Happy Poetry Month!

        I'm taking the advice from the poet who has given so much to help us all, including students and teachers, write poetry. I'll be moving from A to Z, obviously needing to combine a few to make it all come out to 30. FYI—Sometimes, Paul Janeczko offers a prompt to write a poem that begins with the specific alphabet letter instead of a poem type. It will be fun to be open to writing in all kinds of ways!

       You can find the path to the Progressive Poem over to the right! Simply click on the graphic!

        As you can see above, the 26 letters of the Alphabet and words that begin with them have been covered. These final days I decided to find a few memories to write about, preparing for summer time!

Day 27—Sometimes, when driving in the countryside, one spots a few flowers and, looking more closely, an old foundation. There can be lilacs, iris, or hydrangeas, daffodils and tulips at different times from spring to summer.


attribution: Julian P Guffogg / Countryside
with daffodils near Hill Grove



where daffodils grow –

there, stories stay

              Linda Baie ©  



  1. I think there're some stories there in that hill… And I wouldn't mind getting lost in that pic either, enchanting poem Linda, thanks!

    1. Driving in the countryside can start my imagination when I see a group of flowers like these or tulips, a lone lilac bush, Michelle. Thank you!


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