
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Poem for My New Granddaughter

Slice of Life Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To Imogene-My New Granddaughter

I didn’t expect after your arrival
to have my breath shortened,
to need that quick intake of oxygen
meant to overcome my surprise-
my surprise-
at your perfection.
Your head-smooth roundness-
nestles in my hand,
as my fingers gentle your cheek,
so soft I finally comprehend
the meaning of gossamer.
At only these few hours old
you open your eyes
and search my face,
begin to memorize your world.
You wait to be shaped.
I see your questions,
your desire to be protected,
the wish to be loved.
A small cry turns the calm
into need.
You nuzzle for your mother.
I give you over to her,
glad to have held
a bit of perfection
for that moment.


  1. I love this poem - the idea that even such an anticipated event can still surprise and take our breath away. I had to read the section "Your head-smooth roundness...meaning of gossamer" section aloud a few times - I just loved the sounds of those words together so much. Thanks for sharing this moment and keep enjoying being a grandmother again!

  2. ohhh so sweet. She will cherish this poem when she gets older. There's nothing like the bond of a grandchild and grandparent. I have been on the grandchild end, and will hopefully one day be on the grandparent end. Enjoy.

  3. Truly, my heart is warmed by your poem. Well-crafted writing has that power. I am in awe with you.

  4. Ah, my breath was taken away when I saw the picture and again as I read your words. I am so looking forward to experiencing that overwhelming joy and wonder that you have had the privilege of experiencing! It is hard to write through teary eyes! Embrace every minute.

  5. Congratulations---she is beautiful. Your poem describes such a perfect moment.

  6. Beautiful--granddaughter and poem. You found just the right words and even though they are meant for your granddaughter, I could use this for each of my six....and you know what? The awe in their perfection never goes away!

  7. Tomorrow is my daughter's official "due date", so we've kind of put that as the day we can start anticipating. She has the car seat in the car as of today!

  8. What a great way to celebrate your new Granddaughter. The great thing about blogs is that you will have it documented to share with her later.

  9. What a lovely tribute to Imogene. Your word choice is perfect. That bundle of sweetness is perfection!

  10. This made me think of my mother, Jack's grandmother :)

  11. Wow! What a beautiful poem! I really like how you describe your surprise and awe about how perfect she seems. I agree with others that she will cherish this when she is older -- I hope you share it with her as soon as she is old enough to understand!

  12. I love your words about "waiting to be shaped" and "I see your questions". So true abou little ones! What a touching poem from a proud grandmother.

  13. Linda, what a gorgeous poem! What a splendid moment. I love these lines:

    " fingers gentle your cheek,
    so soft I finally comprehend
    the meaning of gossamer."

    I had a similar experience about a month after yours in 2011, when my daughter gave birth to a baby girl (in September). I was so there with you! Thanks for sharing the link to this in my Poetry Friday post.


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