
Monday, August 8, 2011

Switching Writing Identities

Monday, August 8, 2022

     I've been writing in a variety of ways lately, and have also lately observed that it's a challenge to keep all the parts separate, to keep all the balls up in the air in the balanced way I would like.  I'm creating a literacy newsletter for my school, writing for my blog almost every day, and recently working on WFMAD, Laurie Halse Anderson's August writing challenge.  I need different resources for each kind of writing, different ways of thinking at the task, and sometimes even different places to write so I can feel productive.  It makes me wonder how I'd like teachers to think about this as they work with students in all the various writing genres.  What conversations can this lead to?  As teachers, should we set up the writing places first, but discuss the importance of finding places that are ideal for the different kinds of writing?  Helping student awareness that writers think about this part of the writing process might be very helpful in the classroom.  


  1. So interesting! I like the way you phrase it - "different writing identities." I wonder if the flip of that coin is "writing for different audiences?" Also, I'm wondering if you mean different physical places or different on-or-offline spaces (e.g., a blog, a word document that will be printed off, a notebook, etc.)? If you're going to write for a formal audience, like parents for example, maybe you need a more formal physical place to do the writing, an office, or at least a desk. But do you start with the place or the purpose? So much to think about. . .

  2. Mardie, I think I meant all of the things you mentioned for sure. All of a sudden it just occurred to me that this topic really never comes up when I teach students writing, and my students wrote in so many ways. I just wondered if they ever thought that what they wrote might be improved and more enjoyable if they chose just the right setting, just as you described, like a comfy chair, their bed, a desk, etc. Thanks for the input, definitely something to ponder as we start the year.


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