
Saturday, September 13, 2014


               Thank you Ruth for hosting us every Saturday while we share our Celebrations. It's such fun to anticipate each Saturday. If you are visiting, check HERE for the links. 
And tweet at #CelebrateLu

            It's been a lovely week, starting with spending the day with Ingrid last Sunday. Since starting kindergarten, she seems to want some quiet play at home on the weekend, and this time at my home. It was a pleasure, and we did fit in a trip to the library for a few books!

            My week at work was terrific. The book group reading A Separate Peace finished, with good conversation again about the book. And I began meeting teachers a little more regularly. Because teachers write a unit of study with their students' input, at least begin the process, these past two days were spent at school without students so that teachers can get a head start in the work to be done. Step by step the school work begins. Talking about the non-fiction research involved, the different genres of writing that can be included as products, like fiction stories, takes time, thought, knowledge, and adding to our knowledge through our own research. These two days are terrific, not enough, but a big help for planning, whether alone or in collaboration.

            And, the little things: I got my hair cut! We had rain last night, dropping temperatures, my lovely radiators cranked on, love it! There was a bit of snow when I woke up this morning! Yep, fall/winter is coming! I guess I'm celebrating sweaters and cozy blankets! The flowers are okay, not a hard freeze at all. Plus, I took my car to have some work done this am. I drive an old Honda, still going well, but it does need some repair now & then. So this weekend I get to drive a rental, a brand-new baby blue Nissan Versa. It certainly drives with a little more zip than my car, fun to have, at least for a few days.

            Finally, one big thing! This is my 800th post. With those of you still here, we started blogging in March of 2011, taking the Slice of Life Challenge. It's been an adventure doing so much writing, creating, connecting. I've thought all week about what I would say about my rewards through the doing!  There's a few things:

The best thing: meeting so many of you online, then sometimes in person, learning about your own lives, hopes and dreams.

The next best thing: writing, learning sometimes what works and what doesn't, reading others' writing to both enjoy and learn from, personally and professionally.

The last best thing: Capturing what has been important to me in all the ups and downs has helped me live my life, take on challenges I never knew I could handle. Today, another post gave me this gift from Mother Teresa, so I pass it on to all of you with thanks for connecting with me as often as you can:

“May today there be peace within.

May you trust that you are

exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget

the infinite possibilities

that are born of faith in yourself and others.

May you use the gifts that you have received,

and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be content with yourself

just the way you are.

Let this knowledge settle into your bones,

and allow your soul the freedom to sing,

dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.”

- Mother Teresa

photo credit: artolog via photopin cc


  1. Thank you for sharing those lovely words from Mother Theresa! CONGRATULATIONS on 800 posts!!! I am almost at 200. I agree with all of your words about blogging! Connecting and learning are amazing!!! I also love being able to look back, to see where I've been. So happy to be on this blogging journey with you! I celebrate that today! :)

    1. It is such a wonderful journey, isn't it, Michelle? I'm glad to be on it with you too!

  2. So many things to celebrate, Linda--congratulations on your 800th effort to notice and appreciate all the ways that you are living your life. I missed yesterday's post about JPL, but I think I lucked out finding today's nstead!

    1. Thanks, Heidi. I imagine you'll find that new book by J. Patrick Lewis, too. It's a good one!

  3. Love the Mother Teresa quote and all your happy celebrations! I needed to hear this. I need to accept myself and celebrate being me more often. Thanks!

    1. Yes, that quote really touched me, too, Margaret. Happy you liked it!

  4. Lovely post, Linda! And 800 posts! That is definitely something to celebrate. It's amazing how quickly they add up. I also value most the connections I am able to make through my blog and through the different weekly memes. We had snow this week as well. It was a wonderful day to curl up under a blanket in a pile of dog and cat and read. Hooray for old Hondas! Mine isn't that old (2008), but she does have 200K miles on her. My last Honda made it to 300K, so I'm hopeful that Hester has at least another 50K in her! (Yes, Hester would be my car's name.) Have a lovely Saturday, Linda!

    1. Thanks, Elisabeth, love hearing you're a Honda fan. This is my 4th one, and it's just the best. Repair is always better than a car payment!

  5. Wow! 800 posts! You are one busy blogger! (I'm only in the 300's, but that's okay for me) Love the Mother Theresa quote! I seem to be full of exclamations for your celebrations today. You have big and small celebrations and that's what makes life good. Enjoy being cozy or zipping around in that Versa this weekend.

    1. Thanks Elsie, no matter what happens, with the Versa, it'll be fun! It's supposed to warm up for the next week, back to opening windows I think. I love this time of year, the beauty of the days is just marvelous. Hope you have a nice weekend!

  6. That picture of Ingrid is so sweet. And 800 posts! Wow! I, for one, am looking forward to 800 more. :-) Lovely poem - thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Holly. It's always fun to have Ingrid visiting!

  7. Congrats on the blogging! I think we really do learn so much about ourselves, as people and as teachers, by doing this!
    Snow????? That is one thing I will never celebrate! We are having a cold spell in Chicago too - Wed it was in the 80s, Thurs, the 40s - and I kept thinking I am soooo not ready for snow!
    Hope you get some reading done under a warm blanket!

    1. Yes, I'm reading Revolution, Michele, and pulling myself away from it, especially under a warm blanket is not easy. Back warmer today & the week is supposed to be beautiful & warm! Thanks!

  8. 800 posts, and each one a joy to read! Congratulations, my friend - what a journey it has been to blog with you and learn from your thoughtful, generous, always keen and perceptive insights into books, life, teaching, and learning. You are a gift to us all.

    1. Thanks Tara, I appreciate your words, and the same back at you! What a wondrous time it has been!

  9. I like how you started the celebration with your granddaughter and finished with a gift to your readers. Congratulations on your 800th post! You have enriched so many lives with your words.I am glad I met you through blogging.

    1. Thank you Terje. Me, too for you. Perhaps someday we'll sit and have a cup of tea together? Wouldn't it be terrific!

  10. Heres to many, many more slices and celebrations:)

  11. You need my "Bring on the Confetti" pillow for your 800th post. What an accomplishment! I love the connections we make through blogging. Hope to see you again at a conference (Maybe All Write 2015?). I'm printing the gift of words you shared from Mother Teresa for my writer's notebook. Have a fun weekend & enjoy your time with Ingrid.

    1. I hope we'll meet again, Ramona. We had a great time last year! Your pillow is divine! I'll steal the picture!

  12. Congratulations on your 800th post! And I just have to say, Separate Peace was one of the only required reading books that I read and really enjoyed. So much to discuss there.

    1. Yes, A Separate Peace was a good start for these older students. Nice to hear you liked it & still remember liking it! Thanks, Katherine!

  13. Happy 800th post! So much lovely sharing. Ingrid is adorable, how wonderful that she spends this time with you! Happy September!

    1. Thanks Carrie. It's always a pleasure to have her. I hope September is your lucky month!

  14. What a week of joyful celebrations of all sizes. How great to have reached 800 posts and the best things you discovered are certainly life enriching.

    1. Thanks, Kim. It was a good week. Hope you have a good week this coming week, too!

  15. Linda, congrats on the 800th! Wow. An amazing achievement. I always learn from your posts. I've used many of the ideas you've shared along the years. Thanks for all the inspiration. And today, thanks for sharing the words of Mother Theresa. I'll carry them with me this week.

    1. Thanks Deb. I always learn from you, too. It's been a journey together! Hope you have another special week!

  16. So cool to hit 800 posts. It's a wonderful journey we're all on blogging, sharing and learning together in this great big world. Thank you so much for that piece from Mother Teresa. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Crystal, I love hearing from everyone, too! Mother Teresa's words will stay with me, happy you like them!

  17. Warm blankets, haircuts, zippy cars, and Mother Theresa -- all good! :-) Fall is a wonderful time, isn't it? I love the photo of Ingrid. I can understand wanting quiet time to recharge on the weekends.

    1. Thanks, Tabatha, Saying like that sounds like not only a good week, but quite an unusual one! Yes, quiet on the weekends is good!

  18. Yay on all your celebrations! Congratulations on a blogging milestone! Writing in any form always has a positive effect on me as well!

    1. Thanks Earl, so right, writing seems like one is accomplishing something good!


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