
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Poetry Apps for Exploring

Margaret Gibson at Reflections on The Teche invites others to share some of the technology they find that could be useful, in and out of the classroom. This Sunday, I'm sharing some IPad (or IPhone) apps that can be fun for poetry.
It's Digilit Sunday!

Poetry Creator - free, but extra $ for more dictionaries. Has a white board arrangement for placing words. Can share via Facebook, photos or can e-mail.  Fun for exploring.

Poet for IPad - Will keep and organize your poems, offers a rhyming and a synonym dictionary. Can share. 

RhymeNow Free - a rhyming dictionary easy to use.

If - my favorite app for finding wonderful poems, just for reading, but the presentation is wonderful.

Writing Prompts, by -lots of ways to start a new idea, words & pictures! If you want to explore, this is a good one!

           I realize there are many others that might be favorites. Sometimes I'll start something on one of these, then move to a writing app with more room.


  1. Thanks for linking up and sharing these great writing apps.

    1. They're enough, Margaret, to have some fun with words! You're welcome!


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