
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Poetry - Number Three

            Trying to write a poem every day this poetry month that I can. Yesterday for part of her celebration, Carol Varsalona shared a picture here that she had taken of two swans, with a lovely small poem. I was inspired by the picture and have permission to use it. I left Carol's poem intact, accompanying my poem as a kind of footnote. Thanks, Carol. 
            Carol has now unveiled another of her marvelous galleries where many poets contribute a poem, inspired by the season. This time, Winter Wonderings can be found here.

       And go here to Doraine Bennett's post at Dori Reads  for line number three of Irene Latham's Progressive Poem.

My Imaginary View

I see an argument
each day between
two swans swimming  out on the lake.
Swirling water circles the bodies
and (perhaps) the ideas in their heads.  
They cannot agree how to navigate their world.
Two choices are available.
He heads to the reeds for breakfast-
for wet-soaked plants
and tiny tadpoles hiding,
trying out their new legs.
The other seeks the water’s bright sparkle,
swims lazily and looks back,
showing off her sheen of white.
daintily dipping her beak for tiny bites,
a maiden in a Monet painting.

Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved


  1. Linda, you wove a story from my image and it is lovely with beautiful descriptive lines. I am honored that you chose to do so and that you offered a shoutout to my gallery where so much beauty is present. We are always #bettertogether in partnership with life. Enjoy your holiday, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Carol. It was fun to do. I am always amazed at what an image can bring forth in story.

  2. These swans have their own personalities. The maiden in a Monet painting hardly knows her own beauty.

    1. Yes, rather demure, but clear in intent, right? Thanks, Margaret.

  3. Linda, what a delightful poem. It's interesting to wonder what these geese might be thinking along with you. The arrangement of words helped me to glide across the lines much as the geese glide across the water.

    I enjoyed the glide along this line achieved through alliteration:
    "daintily dipping her beak for tiny bites"

    and the power of the ending:
    "a maiden in a Monet painting."

    Just beautiful,

    1. Thanks Cathy, I am happy you enjoyed it. I am anthropomorphic crazed, love imagining animals' intent as humans.

  4. Swans! I think your poem captures them well. We have one that flies in each morning at the dairy lake - he or she seems to enjoy the solitude!

    1. I wonder why there is just one? I remember swans at Tapawingo, but not much of their actions. Having water near is wonderful! Thanks, Jim!

  5. For me, the most interesting thing about this month of poetry, is seeing how people build off of, or reinterpret, other people's images. I love how you took Carol's picture and poem, and made a whole new story. I love the "argument" between the two swans, and him heading off for "wet-soaked plants" and "tiny tadpoles," then she, "the maiden in the Monet painting." I will think of this the next time I see swans at City Park or Wash Park!

    1. Maybe "a picture is worth a thousand words" means more than we have thought. maybe those thousand words include many stories? Thanks so much , Carol.


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