
Friday, August 19, 2016

Blog Tour - Hey A.J., It's Saturday

         Marty, otherwise known as Marcellus Bennett, loves breakfast and I guess eating it, too, hence his new book Hey A.J., It's Saturday!  As you can see from his bio below, Marty has his own little girl, and wrote this kitchen adventure with her in mind. 

Saturdays for everyone is special, but so many kids I know love it because they can stay home and have their favorite and best, lazy breakfast. Perhaps they make teddy bear pancakes, or crazy French toast with a hole in the middle, loaded with butter and syrup, just perfect with bacon, too. This story begins with A.J. celebrating Saturday, creeping down to the kitchen to make her own breakfast. She's so thoughtful, even lets her parents sleep. BUT! In the kitchen is a menagerie of animals already cooking and making their own favorite things, and making a mess! What in the world's going on? It's A.J.'s imagination cooking, I guess. The illustrations fill with fun as the rhymes carry the story along on a foodie delight, until A.J. needs saving. You'll have to read to discover how that happens, to see if this Saturday's breakfast turns out all right after all.

      One extra element of this book is its interactive app available. See below.

Here's Marty's bio:

Martellus aka The Black Unicorn is a BIG dreamer. He lives in a magical house with his wife Siggi and daughter Jett in where everything comes to life when it gets dark or there’s food on the table ( which is pretty much all the time). He’s usually a bit overwhelmed by all of the creatures bouncing around knocking things over in his head and in his house, but that’s nothing a creative ninja can’t handle. Marty received his PhD in awesomeness from the highly prestigious Orange Dinosaur University where his focus was coloring outside of the lines and making stuff with his creative and funny bones. The A.J series is inspired by his daughter Austyn Jett (A.J.) and their adventures together.

Oh yea, He’s a Pro Bowl Tight End for your favorite NFL team.

Here are social media links to explore:

Order Hey A.J., It's Saturdayat the Hey A.J Shop.

And find the app on iTunes and the Google Play Store.

              Here are the stops on the blog tour!

Jen at Teach Mentor Texts - 8/16
Niki at Daydream Reader - 8/17
Michele at Mrs. Knott's Book Nook - 8/18
Jessica at Little Lake County - 8/19
Linda at Teacher Dance - 8/20
Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers - 9/4

Thank you to The Imagination Agency for sending a copy of the book to review.  It's an awesome presentation in a box with a beautiful slipcover! 

       Thank you to Jen Vincent (@mentortexts) for setting up the tour.  Be sure to check out the other stops on this blog tour!

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