
Friday, November 1, 2019

Poetry Friday - The After Party

                 Poetry Friday is hosted today by the always entertaining Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference

                I'm sharing a poem from way back in 2013 when I hosted Poetry Friday, yes, on November 1st, the day after Halloween! 

                Now, Happy November, a time of gratitude. Wishing you a month of discovering  those small things one sometimes overlooks for which to be grateful.

photo credit: Scorpions and Centaurs via photopin cc

The bubble gum is over-chewed;
the candle’s lost its wick.
My tummy’s under the weather,
but I’m never really sick

from eating too much candy
although Mom has froze the rest.
She’s stripped off all the webs
and cleaned up all the mess.

The jack o’ lantern’s living now
in the backyard compost bed.
It’s gonna grin a little longer
as furry beasts are fed.

I dropped my costume on the floor;                
a smile was peekin’ out,
reminding of the tricks ‘n treats
while Halloween's about.

Now witches, goblins, ghosts lie low
until the year turns round again
to scary poems and ghastly tales--
All Hallow’s Eve, 
                                October’s end.

Linda Baie ©


  1. I really love the jack o lantern's new life in the compost bed! Delightful! xo

    1. Thanks, Irene. Those jack o lantern's in the compost also bring new vines the next year, a bonus!

  2. Love this poem -- you captured all the good feelings of the holiday. And I agree with Irene -- the compost thing is brilliant. I love that the jack-o-lantern gets to grin a little longer. :)

    1. Thanks, Jama, it is a fun poem to re-visit with all the Halloween wonders. It's sad to say goodbye to the Halloween fun!

  3. I am coming in with a love of the jack o' lantern in the compost bed. We just passed about 50 carved pumpkins in a front yard and my husband asked what will happen to them? Maybe they will consider your thought. The poem a true realization of what happens post-Halloween but I am keeping my decorations up until next week. We are going away to Massachusetts for a family reunion but friends will be coming home with us to see my house spooked up next week.

    1. I hope they'll do something with them, Carol. Wow, that's a bunch! The squirrels around here start eating right away, but not all. That's seeps into the compost. Enjoy your reunion!

  4. Ha ha! That compost bed gave me a smile. I do like to see what grows out of it the next spring. Often crazy pumpkin vines! Wonderful "after" poem.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I confess that I am referring to my daughter's compost pile that sometimes has the vines from the dear Jack O'Lantern's demise.

  5. I wore my Halloween sweater today, even though it's the day after Halloween. I like to prolong the fun a bit. I love the smile peeking out of the costume on the floor. Jack was sad today that it was no longer Halloween. I have to admit that I feel a little like he does. Thanks for sharing this delightful poem and here's to more pumpkins making it into the compost heap.

    1. A woman was in the store yesterday with a great Halloween sweater. Glad to hear you're not ready to give it up. I think many just love the Halloween decorating & excitement of anticipation along with "finally" out into the night! I'm sad, too, now gratefulness comes along, which is fine, but not as fun as "BOO!" Thanks, Ramona!

  6. Your first stanza really sets the scene so nicely!
    I admit that I did clean up the Halloween decorations yesterday like the mom in your poem. I am impressed with Carol's 50 carved pumpkins. Wow!

    1. I cleaned up, too, Tabatha, all ready for November! Thanks!

  7. Oh, how I love this after party. Such a clever poem.

  8. I really enjoyed the after-the-big-event perspective of your poem and, like so many others, love the jack-o'-lantern's continued grinning in the compost heap. I imagine there might be a few visiting creatures who will also appreciate the addition to the compost!

    1. Yes, the jack o'lanterns on the porch have already given the squirrels a snack! Thanks, Molly!

  9. Now that's a good after party—a lounge in the compost spa! LOL! Your opening lines set the scene so well in your poem, Linda. I love Halloween season, but I'm ready to move on too. :)

    1. Oh, love the idea of your "lounge", Michelle. Thank you!

  10. Such a nice closing to your poem Linda–bringing fall to a close and welcoming the next season. I love the new home for the jack-o-lantern too–that's where my pumpkins bed down for the winter also, thanks!

  11. What a fun poem, Linda! The photo you found is perfect, too. I do love October, but November has a different kind of beauty. Thank you for sharing your poem and giving me a chuckle!

  12. Your poem is so much fun Linda. I loved
    a smile was peekin’ out,
    reminding of the tricks ‘n treats
    I subbed in a friend's class on Friday. I agreed to do it before realizing it was the day after Halloween. I can attest to the fact that on November 1, it's not yet over.

  13. Thanks, Michelle, Catherine, and Cheriee. I'm happy you enjoyed the poem. That 'after party' has begun, and now I'm on to cleaning up a few leaves from the 'after snow' mess!

  14. Such fun for the day after Halloween! I've had plenty of pumpkins find a bed in the compost pile--or as a meal for chickens when I had them.

    1. Wonderful to know, Kay. Of course chickens would love that "treat". Thanks!

  15. Oh Linda, how much I've missed reading your poems - this one is lovely and perfect for the season. It's good that we're friends on FB and I still catch up with some of your original creations. Sending positive energies from my home to yours.

    1. Thanks, Myra. I've missed you, too, but know how very busy you've been with this move! Best wishes that it gets sorted and smoother soon!


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