
Thursday, April 15, 2021

April - Poetry Month - Day 16 - Poetry Friday - Spruce (Shadows or Sunlight)


It's April. It's Poetry Month!  And it's Poetry Friday with Jama Rattigan at Jama's Alphabet Soup! She's sharing a wonderful post about Carol Ann Duffy the UK Poet Laureate, whose poem about poetry is a lovely thing this April poetry month. Thanks very much, Jama!

         Remember to check out the list of what everyone is doing at Susan Bruck's blog: Soul Blossom Living!
          Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!


My Plan: “I’m exploring the aesthetic of wabi-sabi, sometimes described as one that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. I think walking out in nature this past year gave me the joy needed to keep going, so I’ve gathered photos taken since March 2020 for inspiration in composing haigas, sometimes other forms.”   Today, I've written a tanka.

Changes by sunlight

in the garden’s corner spruce,

then I look again.

Shadows create magic, too.

Contemplating calls for tea.

Linda Baie ©


  1. The light in so many of these pictures is so very beautiful. Thank you for sharing them with us!

    1. Thanks, Carol. Finding beauty throughout this past year was a saving grace for me. Now I'm happy to share them with others, like you, too.

  2. Linda, the play of light and shadow is perfect for wabi-sabi. I love this!

    1. Thanks, Mary. I took the picture because I loved that light!

  3. This is a perfect tanka...the theme the opposites and call for tea. At first, when I looked at the photo I "saw" snow because that's what I was expecting....but it's sun. Wonderful visit today. Thank you.

    1. But there is snow, too, yes? Also... When I zoom in, I see a moustached face near the chair beside the brick wall. Centre top of the pic. Can you see it, too? (He's frowning. To the left of the chair.)

    2. I see that frown, Kat, good noticing! Yes, there is big snow here today, but not in this picture! We had a storm moving through starting yesterday, still snowing but at least lightly now!

    3. Thanks, Linda, a "first" look at the picture can be imagined as snow, I agree. The light was really captivating.

  4. Beautiful photo and your poem is perfection. Of course I love how it ends. :)

  5. Yes, Yes, Yes!! I agree with all comments here. I did see the frowning face and snow at first but so lovely and the dark cavern mouths of shadow. A place to contemplate, enjoy and sip tea. So nice and now snow. Bits here, too but mainly a cold rain. Need to walk out to check the blossoms. Forsythia and pink ones appeared yesterday. I am nervous but there is no wind. I want spring to last for a few blue sky days at least!

  6. How wonderful! Love this poem, Linda. I think our shadow-themed posts would like a playdate today. :)

  7. Looks like a perfect place to contemplate! I love the dramatic sunlight and the magic of shadows.

  8. You and Michelle are on the same page with this look at shadows. Yay! xo

  9. Such lovely silvers and greens in your photo. And it is magical how light changes as the day passes.

  10. Such a beautiful picture. I love how light changes the look of things - I thought at first it was snow also. Your tanka is lovely.

  11. I adore this picture book. Isn't it wonderful? Great observation in your poem, "shadows create magic too."

  12. I'm always up for a call for tea!

  13. I think we all need to gather for a "real" cup of tea. Thanks for coming by to sip a virtual one!

  14. I'm hoping your snow is truly wabi-sabi--and love shadows creating magic in your poem.

  15. Lovely sparkling, magical light, and poem echoing it—and I too love the "Contemplating calls for tea." Your poem and pic are inviting and calm—and that light calling out from the stretching pink flowers, and red columbine I think, is so enticing… thanks Linda!

  16. The yin and yang of light and shadow. The shadow being a signal for tea time is a plus!

  17. Ha, Now I'm wishing we could all time travel to have that cuppa tea! It seems that most everyone agrees! Have one on the weekend while searching for good light & shadows! Thanks, Buffy, Michelle, & Julieanne!

  18. Your poetic shadows bring the light, Linda! :)

  19. Shadows, magic and a call for tea. I'm enjoying your wabi sabi pairings of image and poetry.

  20. Thanks, Bridget & Cathy. It has been a good month to look back at what images I kept.

  21. Shadows do create magic, too - this draws me into a long contemplation, of itself...along with the beauty to be explored in imperfections and impermanence. Thank you for these gifts, Linda!

  22. Beautiful moment captured in your words and in the photo.

  23. What a wonderful pairing of image and poem, and hooray for dappled light. That's the best kind. While home-hunting, we looked at a place that had this crystal light fixture--not the kind of ceiling light I'd ever buy. Very blingy. But the wonderful light and shadow it threw on the walls--amazing! Now I might have to buy one!

  24. Thanks, Fran, Kimberly, & Laura. I love hearing your own ideas of these shadows & light.

  25. The light! It looks so lacy and frothy, but I know blue spruce can have wicked sharp needles. What a poem and photo of contrasts!

  26. Gorgeous photo (all photos, actually) and those shadows. I, too, immediately thought snow. We had a surprise final (please be final) blast of snow on Friday, so it was on my mind. Lovely. -- Christie @

  27. Yes! To identify, we told students to remember "spiky spruce" & "friendly fir", Mary Lee. And, sorry to tell you, Christie, we have another round of snow coming Monday! I hope that is the last! Thanks to both of you!

  28. Snow? No! Sunlight on the trees is inviting. Thanks for the invite to tea! I am working on my lines for the PP. I love what you sent me, Linda.


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