
Thursday, April 15, 2021

April - Poetry Month - Day Fifteen - Those Rabbits


It's April. It's Poetry Month!  

         Remember to check out the list of what everyone is doing at Susan Bruck's blog: Soul Blossom Living!
          Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!


My Plan: “I’m exploring the aesthetic of wabi-sabi, sometimes described as one that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. I think walking out in nature this past year gave me the joy needed to keep going, so I’ve gathered photos taken since March 2020 for inspiration in composing haigas, sometimes other forms.”     

rabbits picnic

on new tender grass,

frozen by footfalls

Linda Baie © 


  1. Oh perfect! Love "frozen by footfalls".

    1. I'm off to the bookstore, Janet. Thanks for each of your comments. I think we would make good neighbors! Lots to chat about!

  2. What a moment. Frozen by footfalls.

  3. Yes, they are "frozen by footfalls." We have rabbits around our house, but they are so skittish, I rarely see them. One night this winter, I happened to turn the back light on and was surprised to see one out for a midnight snack!

  4. Thanks, Julieanne & Catherine! Ours do run, but if they hear me sneaking out, they freeze, until I get too close.

  5. I love the idea of rabbit picnics!!! Magical!!

  6. Bunnies! I have not seen a single wild bunny here in 3-1/2 years! Could be because of the abundance of free-range cats I suppose. (But there are wild hedgehogs around.) Thanks for the 'frozen by footfalls' reminder of these critters. :)

  7. Thanks, Carol & Bridget! Seeing wild hedgehogs is a picture for my imagination! I'll need to do some research!

  8. Frozen by footfalls, what joy and you captured it with the image and your words!


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