
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April - Poetry Month - Day Fourteen - Birthdays


It's April. It's Poetry Month!  

         Remember to check out the list of what everyone is doing at Susan Bruck's blog: Soul Blossom Living!
          Plus! Check each day for the added line to the Progressive Poem, created by Irene Latham, now hosted by Margaret Simon! The link is to the right!


My Plan: “I’m exploring the aesthetic of wabi-sabi, sometimes described as one that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature. I think walking out in nature this past year gave me the joy needed to keep going, so I’ve gathered photos taken since March 2020 for inspiration in composing haigas, sometimes other forms.”     

         Impermanent, incomplete, a young child begins her thirteenth year. This is nature's world, too.

birthday girl Ingrid

moving forward again –  

always smiling

Linda Baie ©


  1. The wheel keeps turning, no matter what. Happy birthday to your beautiful, smiling grandgirl!

    1. Thank you, Catherine. It was a lovely & exciting birthday celebrations. Yes, cannot stop that wheel!

  2. What a joy it is to see Ingrid grow!

  3. I am catching up finally. Oh Ingrid....13. Not possible and that smile and all the good in her background with guides like her parents and you. This looks like a true Easter Snowbunny! Such clever and creative touches. Love the photos. PS You know I understand this joy but want it to slow down now!! Oh my.
    Janet F.

  4. Seems like just yesterday you were writing about Ingrid as a three and four-year-old! Time goes so fast!

  5. Thanks, Janet and Carol. Both of you already see your grandchildren growing up so fast. Me, too!

  6. Happy birthday to your Ingrid! How is it that our children (and grandchildren) keep getting older, but we don't? One of the many mysteries of life. ;)

  7. Happy Birthday to Ingrid. I cannot believe that she is 13 already, on the threshold of becoming a teenager. This is such a delightful photo and the poem shares the warmth of her smile.


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