
Monday, April 24, 2017

#SOL17 - #npm17 - poem 25 of 30 - Back to Nature

       Join us on Tuesdays with the Two Writing Teachers and others who post. 
"I think that we're beginning to remember that the first poets didn’t come out of a classroom, that poetry began when somebody walked off of a savanna or out of a cave and looked up at the sky with wonder and said, “Ahhh.” That was the first poem."
– Lucille Clifton

 See all the poetic events this month in the sidebar.  

My goal for Poetry Month: 
                                               TINY THINGS.  

 Antennaria microphylla - pussytoes

          I found my topic for the poem and post today by returning to nature and the past. I've written more than once about the primitive cabin in the mountains which we owned for years. I wrote for the first time here, nearly six years ago. The cabin became an important part of raising our children, allowing them to learn to love exploring and just "being" out of doors as much as we did. Then, last month I wrote one post that shared about selling the cabin. I have the fondest memories of our time there, the beauty I enjoyed and discovered. And aside from great times with family and friends, I renewed my love of nature, the living things along with the natural objects we often ignore like the brightly colored rocks in the stream, and the huge ones that were "living" in our meadow. These pussytoes were favorites to find, tucked within the wild spaces, spring greetings.


When touching the tips
of these pinkish blooms,
one only needs to know
the down-deep softness of feline feet
to understand why the name’s complete.

 Linda Baie © All Rights

So Far-Tiny Things

April 1 - Two Plates - Thanksgiving
April 2 - In Each Mind's Eye - baby elephant
April 3 - Discovered April First - miniature book
April 4 - A Promise - peach seed 
April 5 -  haiku - one music note
April 6 - My Tiny List - must-do list
April 7 - Tiny Lights - window lights at dusk
April 8 - Cherita - pencil stub
April 9 - Apple Blooms - blooms/apple tree
April 10 - Walk to The Sea - salt crystals
April 11 - Sonnet Show & Tell - tiny key
April 12 - The Letter 'I
April 13 - A Tiny Change - thermometer
April 14 - Birthday Candles
April 15 - Defined - dandelion
April 16 - One Minute 
April 17 - The Letter "A"
April 18 - Tiny Treasure - rock
April 19 - haiku - tiny actions
April 20 - rabbit
April 21 - lilac 
April 22 - chickadee
April 23 - tiny shoes
April 24 - bits of time - book love


  1. I've never heard of pussytoes. What a great name--I'm sure this flower is much loved by young children. A wonderful tiny thing to celebrate with a poem!

    1. Thanks, Molly. There are quite a few varieties of this plant found here in our mountains.

  2. Beautiful poem! I've never seen these flowers, but I feel like I have from your words.

  3. I love your love of nature and place. Thanks for keeping us with you friend,

    1. Thanks, Bonnie. It's one of my loves for sure.

  4. I just rad through ALL your poems this month. What an incredible undertaking! Your depictions of nature make me smile and remember the power of spring.

    1. I need to count to see how many I have done connected to nature, Anita. Wow, that is a nice thing that you did to read them all. Thank you!

  5. You taught me a new bloom, and in such a lovely way. Thanks, Linda!

    1. There are a few varieties, perhaps one for your woods, Tara? Thanks!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ricki. Now that you're moving this way, I imagine you'll get to meet these pussytoes!

  7. Like so many others, I've never heard of pussytoes, but I DO know "the down-deep softness of feline feet." Thanks for another lovely poem. You make me want to go back to Colorado. We loved our summer vacations at Snow Mountain Ranch when we lived in TX and would escape the heat for a bit. Many happy memories! Love your Lucille Clifton quote for today.

    1. I'd forgotten that you've been to Snow Mountain Ranch. It's an awesome place. I've been there with family and with students. Isn't the Clifton quote wonderful? I'm glad you like it, too! Thanks, Ramona.

  8. Much of my inspiration comes from nature too. Thank you for this...

    1. You're welcome, Barbara. From what you've shared, you live in such a special place.

  9. That's lovely, Linda--esp "down-deep softness of feline feet!"

  10. "down deep" -- Love the double meaning! I want to see these in person some day!

  11. What a sweet poem, Linda. I've never heard of pussytoes. And I love, love, love that Lucille Clifton quote! Thank you for sharing it.


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