Thursday, August 15, 2013

Anthology for Hope

Lisa, at Steps and Staircases is hosting today.  Stop by!

I often find poetry anthologies new to me at my library or through reviews.  Today I'd like to share a rather old one with poems selected by Georgia Heard one year after the September 11 attacks titled This Place I Know, poems of comfort.  The poems were selected to help those children who witnessed that terrible violence and for all who, in the book jacket's words, need a bit of comfort and hope.  Each poem is illustrated by an accomplished artist as well.  It's a beautiful book, and I just happened to see it at my library recently and it's been on my TBR pile.  Of course I can't share the poems in their entire, but thought I might share lines from a few, and links to some, to persuade you to find the book to enjoy the words and beautiful art.  

              I was driving today, listening to an interview on NPR of the high school principal of Columbine High School who has just announced his retirement after this year.  He has been a source of comfort himself all these years, for us here and sadly for those in need at other places.  Columbine is often on our minds here in Denver.  I was on a school trip with my students in California when it occurred and have found that experiencing it long distance was different than actually being in a Denver school on that day.  Those colleagues who were here still talk about their fears that day, and they were miles from the actual event.  It will be the 15th anniversary next April.  No students in our school were even born yet, and just a few were born before September of 2001; my grandson is one of them.  There is no greater sadness than for a child to see such horror, I think.  My hope is that we can bring comfort through our actions as well as the words.
     "This Place", the title poem by Eloise Greenfield - "There is this place I know/where children go to find/their deepest feelings."  Holly Meade illustrates with watercolor.  There are children playing by a stream, daydreaming, hand-in-hand, holding flowers.
      "Stars" by Deborah Chandra - "I felt them watching over me, each one--/And let me cry and cry till I was done."  Yumi Heo's illustration shows a child sitting on what seems like a blanket among the stars.
       "Hold Fast Your Dreams" by Louise Driscoll - "Oh, keep a place apart/Within your heart, For little dreams to go."  Hiroe Nakata shows a little girl who's rowing the moon among stars.
        "Lullaby" by Georgia Heard - "Will you hold me in your lap?
                                                         Will you cuddle me so tight?
                                                                                          the rest is found here.
        Vivienne Flesher draws a person holding someone, cats surrounding as well.
        "Ring Around The World" by Annette Wynne - Ring around the world/Taking hands together" - find all of this here!  This illustration by Melissa Sweet shows children holding hands, flying across the world.
         I hope you often find your own personal kind of comfort when needed, in this anthology, in other poems, or other ways.  Georgia Heard writes, "especially now, after September 11, I turn to poetry more than ever for solace and wisdom."


  1. Thanks for letting me know about this book, Linda. I will certainly look for it. Georgia Heard is so inspiring and accessible. As we started the school year last week with teacher meetings and crisis management talk, I was annoyed that this has become the way... fear. I want my classroom to be a place of safety, not fear. I don't want to do the drills. I wish they were not necessary. My heart goes out to Columbine and Sandy Hook. It's hard to imagine it could happen. Nice to know that there is poetry with heart and comfort. I will plant this seed.

    1. Oh-so glad to share, Margaret. I didn't know if everyone had already seen it! It is sad that we need that talk, I agree. Best to you in the new year!

  2. Hi Linda,

    Sort of like Mr. Rodgers said, "look for the helpers"...... poetry, poets, teachers and people like you and Georgia Heard are among the helpers bringing titles we may have missed to us. Especially ones like this that we need in our sadness. I do not know this book. It came out just before I "jumped" headfirst into poetry. Plus I realized once I started hunting for poetry titles back then that my Barnes and Noble was not the place and our little town library was not either. The internet and wonderful bloggers bring so much to others. We should always share and I love what you share, Linda. Have a fabulous start. I would love to come and see your school in action. It sounds like a nurturing and fulfilling place.
    Janet F.

    1. I'm so happy this is a new one to you, too, Janet. I hope you'll be able to find it now in your library. It's so special! Thanks!

  3. Hi, Linda. I agree with you -- this is a beautiful book. I especially like that it is a short anthology, a picture book rather than a longer, heavier collection. The images that accompany the poems are thought-provoking in some cases, quirky in others, and magical (the child riding a flying goose) in others.

    1. I was so glad to find it, Laura. Glad to hear you like it, and enjoyed the illustrations too. Thanks!

  4. What a powerful collection of poetry, Linda. Beautifully illustrated, too. Isn't it marvelous to have such a range of poetry anthologies to choose from, in terms of mood, content, art, and so on?! We are blessed.

    1. Yes, it's wonderful to have access to so many. This is one to treasure. Thanks, Tara.

  5. I do often find comfort in poetry, so this post speaks to me. Thank you for sharing, Linda. xo

  6. thanks for sharing this anthology, Linda. I will definitely look for it. I love anything Georgia Heard has her hand in!

    1. Yes, Heard's name caught my eye-good always! Thanks, BJ

  7. Replies
    1. So happy you know it, Mary Lee. I loved finding it!

  8. Thank you for sharing this anthology, Linda. I am going to check it out from the library. And I'm glad you enjoyed what I had to offer--so many good "things" to share. Many connections to be made and comforted by.


    1. Thanks Lisa, happy to see that you found a new set of poems to enjoy. Thanks again for your terrific hosting!


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