Thursday, September 7, 2023

Poetry Friday - Holding Summer

          It's Poetry Friday! Thanks, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater HERE at her blog, The Poem Farm, for hosting. She's welcoming the new school year with an invitation you will want to accept! 

          One of my favorite books that I re-read is Ray Branbury's Dandelion Wine, from which comes "Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of course, the smallest tingling sip, for children; change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in.” 

           My family didn't have the pleasure of going to the beach this summer but we will again, I am sure. Meanwhile, the memories flow.

Playa Tivives, Costa Rica - 2022



Patiently, words - liquid and flowing, 

astonishing, alarming on occasion – 

wait for writers to arrange them with a pen.

First, this day,

they take a sip of summer, 

smile with the sunset, 

stay close to siblings,

watch cousins race to the water, 

skip and splash, back again

to munch and grin,

Leaning on moms and dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents.


Linda Baie © 


  1. Cousins skipping and splashing is quintessential summer, isn't it? I hope you and your family get to the beach next summer, Linda. In the meantime, we treasure our memories.

  2. I love the idea of the words waiting, and that beach looks glorious!

  3. Linda, even without going to a shore this summer, you brought summer to us in your bottled poem and last year's photo. I love Bradbury's thoughts that you quoted and have borrowed because I love tilting summer in. Last week we traveled to the Western Maryland shore and summer was sipped in slowly because of the heat. Have a wonderful end of official summer this month.

  4. Love your ending line, "Leaning on moms and dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents." It just wraps warmth within your whole poem. And your poem flows so well from the line of Ray Branbury's. Hope you get to escape to that inviting beach soon, thanks Linda!

  5. What a lovely poetic snapshot of a cherished time. I can feel the happiness!

  6. Thanks, all, hope you're bottling up your own treasures! I've been in and out, taking my car for a check-up - all fine! I'm glad that's done!

  7. Linda, all very thoughtfully tied together! You bottled up the last drops of summer.

  8. I like the idea that a "sip of summer" could unleash a writer's words and bring back all these memories!

  9. Ah, a year after your trip and the words waited patiently for you "to arrange them with a pen." What a sweet taste of your beach trip. It sounds like it was a beautiful trip.

  10. Thanks, Tracey, Mary Lee, & Denise - now the day is bottled up! We are still hot but cooler is coming Sunday!

  11. Yes, I will continue to sip summer, till that last bit of deliciousness slips into my mouth. (And Costa Rica! Wanna go there!)

  12. The thread of alliteration runs gently through your poem, Linda. I also love those words awaiting the writer to arrange them on the page- great imagery. We do try to hold on to summer, but it slips through our fingers like sweet oil.

  13. I hope you get to the beach next summer with your loved ones, Linda. And then take 'a sip of summer' which is a line that just makes me happy.

  14. "a sip of summer" is such a gorgeous phrase.

  15. Wow, "change the season in your veins" 💖 I'm sorry you weren't able to make your annual beach trip this year. Your bottled memories are so warm and loving.

  16. This poem captures a photograph of family fun on the beach. I went to the beach a few days in late July. My daughter is the account executive for advertising at South Walton, Florida. My brother's family happened to be there at the same time and it was that circle of cousins, aunts, and uncles, grandparents. I'm glad you left out the inevitable conflict with so many people in a space. Ha!

  17. Thanks again to everyone who may be taking their own sips wherever they may be. Enjoy the everyday!

  18. "they take a sip of summer" I love this line, Linda!

  19. Enjoying the beach with family is a wonderful thing and I hope you do it again soon. I hope I race to the water again soon. Love Bradbury's words and it's a book I'd like to read again. Thanks, Linda.

  20. This idea of words waiting for writers charms me...and what you write here does too. A sip of summer indeed! I wish you and your loved ones a satisfying munch of fall. How lucky they all are to lean on you. xo, a.

  21. Thanks again to those who came by recently. I hope your words are flowing!


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