Thursday, October 26, 2023

Poetry Friday Frights


         It's Poetry Friday, and the one before Halloween! Thanks, Carol LaBuzzetta HERE at her blog, The Apples in My Orchard for hosting. She's sharing links and poems about bats, something akin to Halloween for sure, but they are so much more to our lives than frightening creatures. We set a record this week with an 82 degree day and we have snow on its way Saturday night into Sunday. It happens too often for those trick-or-treaters!

         I share photos during October because on a street near me, many homes in that neighborhood go all in decorating for Halloween. They have many visitors, and hundreds come by on Halloween evening to trick or treat. There are a few homes who go to great lengths in their decorating, include spooky things from upper windows, crawling down front walks, hanging in the trees. I remember some from past years, but there are always new ideas each year, too.

        This year, a favorite is one where the same "players" change clothes each year. This time, in my imagination, they appear to be either cheering or hip-hopping! Take a look. I wrote a cheer!



Witchy Cackle,

Ghostly fright.

Skeletons rattling

this windy night.

Goblins slipping

under doors.

Halloween’s scary.

We want more!


Linda Baie ©


  1. Ha! I love it. What fun for Halloween.

  2. That really is all in! I feel like a slouch with my two tiny pumpkins on my front porch. : ) Love your poem -- I do want more!

  3. Fun post, Linda! Thanks! I love to see how people decorate for Halloween. My husband wants one of the big "creatures" we saw at JoAnn Fabric but we live so far out in the country no one would see it! (Maybe all the scarier for those who might come across it). We passed this year but maybe something to consider! Your poem is fun and scary, too!

  4. What a fun neighborhood. Love your poetic cheer! ~ Jama

  5. Wow, I love that commitment to decorating! I do indeed want more.

  6. Love the cheering skeletons, Linda...Rah! I have to giggle about the extreme 80 degree-to-snow week. We left Tahoe; they got first snow 3 days later and we will open our AZ doors to trick/treaters while running the A/C!

  7. One of the skeletons looks like they are playing soccer, one is swimming, and the other is maybe running a marathon? Are you more aerodynamic if you're a skeleton? I'm impressed by your neighbors, Linda! I hope everything holds up okay in the snow.

  8. Thanks, everyone, love your ideas of the different activities, too, Tabatha. My internet has been down since before 11am, so I won't get to read everyone's until later tonight or tomorrow. I'm working at the bookstore this afternoon! Yes, these neighbors go all in for Halloween. I imagine most will be okay with the coming snow.

  9. Ah, Linda, your neighborhood sounds like great Halloween fun. Enjoy the trick-or-treaters. We've never gotten any, as we live in such a rural area. Your cheer is fun and light, just like the sweet photo that accompanies it.

  10. Fun ending to your poem! Go, Go, Skeletons! (I just saw the swimmer...HA!)

  11. We want more! really captures what kids feel at Halloween and makes the poem so playful, like those skeletons!

  12. Thank you, Denise, Mary Lee, & Diane. The internet is finally back & the snow is starting this morning! It'll be a wintry weekend!

  13. Oh, you captured so perfectly that eagerness/slight anxiety of Halloween and being scared, Linda! Love those skeletons--and that one that's tripping/falling at the finish line!

  14. Your poem goes so well with the photo, Linda. I can almost hear that pink-haired skeleton cheering!

  15. You can hear the mwaa ha ha ha voices coming from those spooked skeletons–fun poem and post Linda, thanks and Happy Spook-filled Halloween! 👻 🎃 🦇

  16. Thanks for sharing all the festivity in and about your area. Halloween is a special time of year for children. The skeletons are very bony but agile and seem to be sending us a message. There is one house in our community that went all out. With the holiday scene came lots of remarks on how this house went above and beyond and may not be appropriate. There is always someone who is a naysayer. I enjoy the scene that seems to have added elements each day of preparation. The one I especially like is the dkeleton's bones coming out of the earth. I am one of those we want more people. Your poem is full of creative fun and would be a good one for a children''s anthology. (Sorry I am so late in visiting, I was on the Halloween committee and between baking and decorating and of course putting together costumes, I lost track of time.)

  17. Thanks, Laura, Linda, Michelle, & Carol. It's still snowing and I hope all these creatures will survive - ha! It's great to have the moisture but every plant will be gone now. It's supposed to be 60 degrees by Thursday!

  18. Such fun, Linda! Both your poem and your neighbor's senses of humor. :)

  19. "Halloween’s scary. / We want more!" What a fun ending, Linda!

  20. Thank you, Bridget & Anastasia! I agree. Those neighbors have so much fun creating every year!

  21. Oh, what fun, Linda - PERFECT last line! Happy Halloween!

    1. Thanks, Robyn, have a good week, including Halloween!


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