Thursday, January 16, 2020

Poetry Friday - Postcard Smiles

             Catherine at Reading to the Core hosts us today, sharing some lovely haiku written in December. Be sure to read her post, then visit others who are gathering to share their poetry offerings. Thanks, Catherine!

               And, thanks to Jone MacCulloch for her yearly postcard idea. Finding more than ads and bills in the mail is always wonderful. 

from Carol Varsalona

frosted winter hopes
undeniably etch
windows of life
painting shadows of
wonder across a new year
dreams not deferred

from Jone, who always makes me envious
of her beautiful ocean visits

from Linda Mitchell
on the other side: a story of the year of the rat, and--

Some days we dash
to win the race.

Others, friends carry us
over dangerous rivers.

Each a heavenly gift.

a beautiful triolet from Margaret, hugs from the New Year

a chuckle from Becky Herzog

And a bonus from Irene. I used to live on
a lake and loved the adventure of winter skating.
And thanks to all who sent smiles to my mailbox!

a postcard gift 
with a poetic wish.
a smile one holds tight
Linda Baie (c)


  1. Thank you for sharing your postcard gifts Linda.

  2. Oh, I love seeing the building pile of postcards in posts around kidlitosphere. It's so fun to exchange creativity and poetry! One of Kimberly Hutmacher's questions for Poetry Friday bloggers is, "Have you ever thought that PF participants have gone above and beyond for you?" I do. I think the exchanges are such bright spots above and beyond reading and commenting on each other's blogs. They really give me a boost.

  3. Thank you for sharing this bouquet on new year goodness! Some of these landed in my mailbox, too, and I am (again) touched and inspired by the loveliness of this community. Such good, thoughtful, amazingly creative folks! xo

  4. What lovely surprises you received! Enjoy...enjoy...enjoy! And many thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing your winter gifts. I love the weaving and sharing of words in this community. Those smiles can last through many wintry days.

  6. Such cheery messages--I'm smiling, too!

  7. Aren't these postcards such fun? I agree they are much better than ads and bills. I'm glad to hear my postcard finally arrived. Better late than never!

  8. Your haiku sums up receiving these small parcel postcard-poems perfectly, lovely, thanks Linda!

  9. Louisiana must be last on the delivery list, but I've received a few and how fun to celebrate a new year with poetry friends.

  10. Thanks everyone! I am so happy to share these wonderful postcards with you!

  11. These postcards are a delightful winter treat!

  12. A clever batch of poetry postcards! A smile in every one :-)

  13. I am SO enjoying seeing all the postcards!

  14. Mine will be on it's way to you soon! Cheers! -- Christie @

  15. Thanks Kimberly, Tabatha, & Mary Lee. I'm glad you enjoyed the wonderful postcards. I certainly love them. I'll look for yours, Christie! What fun to anticipate!

  16. Linda, I thought I responded a couple of days ago but it looks like I must not have pressed publish. Thanks for sharing my poem postcard. I always love corresponding with you. Your concise, poetic response is a gift from you. Smile to smile, I send you wishes.

    1. Thanks, Carol, it's okay, a busy weekend! I loved your card!

    2. Thank you, Linda. Have a wonderful week. We got a quick snowstorm and then the next morning it was gone. The winter chill is here though.

    3. We still have warmish weather, can really use some snow, Carol. I keep wondering if we'll be hit by a huge blizzard in March? Yikes!

  17. You're welcome, Catherine, always a wonderful thing to begin the year!

  18. The postcard swap has been so much fun. Thanks for sharing them all!

    1. You're welcome, Becky. It's wonderful to share these gifts!


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