Thursday, May 2, 2024

Poetry Friday - Wisdom from Long Ago

created by Linda Mitchell

It's Poetry Friday, and Buffy Silverman is hosting HERE on her blog, sharing a "tale of a tail" that will maybe alarm, but certainly entertain! 

     I finished Poetry Month, wrote 29 poems and shared one by another poet, about the sweetest reflection about a mother. I am pleased with some, believe others filled the day, but perhaps are forgettable. That's okay, and I enjoyed having the challenge every day. It certainly made me look at words and then, look again! I also congratulate those who entertained me all the month with beautiful poetry of their own. AND, every morning I had the pleasure of rising and looking immediately for the next lines of the Progressive Poem. Thank you all for that amazing creation, and thank you  Margaret, for keeping us going and organized! Happy May!

       I don't have my copies yet, but I also wish to congratulate Carol LaBuzzetta for her kindness, creativity, and tireless work in bringing this new anthology to the world! I'm proud to have a couple of poems in it and look forward to reading everyone else's! 

        With so many conflicts in our world today, and there are many, it's a pleasure to go back in years to find wisdom from another time. Though many of us worry about countries at war, protests far and near, and political strife, seeing a poem I found in an anthology from 1896 tells me that challenging conflicts happened then, too. I know some of history and I'm not surprised, but when I looked through the poems, their heartfelt look at people and seasons and animals, like today, felt nice. Life happened then as it is happening now. I wish everyone were safe and I imagine most wished that we could be as this poet wrote with such hope! The author appears to be anonymous, no name given anywhere in the book.

        The book was donated to the used bookstore where I work, is very old and falling apart. I have it wrapped in some newspaper to keep it intact and from flaking pieces everywhere!


title page

opposite of the title page
The Statue of Liberty was unveiled on October 28, 1886, ten years
earlier than when this book was published.

Enjoy this first week of May, everyone!


  1. "With so many conflicts in our world today, and there are many, it's a pleasure to go back in years to find wisdom from another time." No truer words than these my friend. I try to stay informed but also some days I just want to hide from it all. What a gorgeous book. I love that you wrapped it in newspaper to preserve. I would have been tempted to give it new life as a crafted item. Thank YOU for the generous ray of light you bring to my Fridays with your poetry and NPM challenge and quotations and hours of reading and responding. You are a poetry hero for sure!

  2. Wow what a gem of a book! And WOW about your poetic accomplishments during April. That's wonderful, Linda. You shine! xo

  3. What a fabulous book, Linda! Thanks for showing it, the poem reminding us of how powerful is a show of kindness. And Lady Liberty, alone, bearing her torch. I recently read the book "The Soul of America" by Jon Meacham, which talks about past troubles in America and provided some hope that we got through things.

  4. Always fascinating when you share a vintage book from the bookstore, Linda. Love the sentiment of the poem -- no matter what century or circumstance, kindness and caring go a long way. This is something so many seem to have forgotten these days. Appreciate your thoughts about finding hope in words from the past. And congrats on meeting your NPM challenge!

  5. Thank you for sharing Gems of Poetry and for all the gems of poetry that you shared with us during National Poetry Month, Linda! The face you wear, the thoughts you bring, A heart may heal or break! : )

  6. Thanks for sharing this gem--and congrats on your national poetry month accomplishment!

  7. Thanks, everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed learning about the book and then the poem. It's been a busy day, and I hope to get to everyone's posts soon!

  8. One little word...OLW! One little word can make all the difference. A pearl of wisdom from ages ago that STILL rings true. What a find, Linda!

  9. Linda, what a gem of a post. I love the images you share from the book. Isn't that a treasure to be holding an ordinary book almost as old as the Statue of Liberty? History in your hands. Congratulations on a successful NPM of writing and sharing.

  10. The wisdom of the ages -- we can each make the world a better place just by being actively NICE to each other!

  11. Linda, What a find! I love old books and the one you found is super cool. I would love to work in a used bookstore or start one of my own - unfortunately, the area I live in is not the best for a venture such as that. Thanks for the shout out too. All the author copies were mailed - you should be getting your copy soon!

  12. Thanks, Patricia, Denise, Mary Lee, and Carol! Am off to the bookstore again, this time to train a new volunteer! That's a great thing, to have so many that want to help! Kindness does matter! Carol, the anthology arrived yesterday and is wonderful! Thank you again for the work and dedication! I wish you all could visit the store!

  13. Yay for your NPM accomplishment, Linda! This book/poem is a gem that transcends time. Kindness! :)

  14. Old books are such treasures! Congrats on a productive month and thanks for sharing this poem and, always, your kind words!

  15. An 1898 poetry anthology! That's a great find. It's neat to see the broken/unbroken heart theme, too, more than a hundred years earlier from the broken-heart poem I came across!

  16. Wow! Writing 29 poems is an accomplishment to be proud of! What a great anthology. The poem you shared is beautiful. It's amazing how words can live on and touch so many hearts. Thank you for sharing it!

  17. Thank you for sharing the book of poems. Still inspirational and true after all the years. And congratulations on your April Poetry accomplishment!

  18. I appreciate you all coming by! Wishing for kindness in these coming days! Have a good week everyone!

  19. Lovely Linda, and I'm also enjoying all the art you shared here– the birds in nest and one flying in takes one's mind away from all. And YAY for all the poem writing in April!

  20. What a gem of a book you have found and saved with tender care. I want to come to your bookstore someday.

  21. Thank you both! I love the art, too, Michelle, and would love to have you come to the store, Margaret!

  22. How cool to find an old book of poetry. There is so much going on in the world--then and now.


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