I really love that commercial, I think it's for State Farm Insurance, where different 'good deeds' are done because things occur, & someone steps up to do what is needed. If possible, I know I would like to watch even more examples if State Farm decided to lengthen the ad. However, it has inspired me to do something to & from work: to look for 'good deeds' along the way. It's my belief that looking for the positive in life is helpful to the way I feel, & I try to pass on some of my observations whenever it seems appropriate, along with doing a few random acts of kindness when I see a need, too.
This also touches me in that if we were helping in Japan right now, I'm sure we would observe so many kindnesses. Some do see the media differently, but I have seem some news people actually brought to tears by the tragedy there, & the things they have observed in the debris: photo albums, toys, a teapot, etc. I hope that we can all help with some kindness to those in need, but also in our every day encounters with others.
This morning I saw:
--two cars stopped on a road near a highway, both adults clearly dressed for work, but trying very hard to catch a stray dog, to save it from what might have been a tragedy.
--one young man standing back at a bus stop, gesturing & allowing another fellow passenger to climb on the bus first.
--several cars at different intersections pausing to allow another car the right of way, when they really didn't have to.
--three different students greeted me in the hallway, making time to ask how I was, what might be happening to me on spring break; i.e., having a good conversation even in their hurry to classes.
--and finally, when I arrived at my office, a book I had asked to borrow from a student was on my desk--a note saying: "here you are, Linda. Enjoy."
After these observations, I conclude that I am going to have quite a wonderful day!
When we look for kindness, we can find it. Unfortunately the news mostly focuses on what's wrong. I was thinking about this today as I walked. Here's to keeping an eye out for goodness.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your list of what you observed today. Not only can we look for those acts of kindness but we can also acknowledge them by sharing those moments with others. I have seen the same commercial and have often thought how amazing the world could be if everyone adopted the same line of thinking. You have inspired me and in a way challenged me to step up and be more aware of kindness happening around me as well as making kindness happen because of me. :)
ReplyDeleteI second to what Elsie said! It is so nice when you see kindness all around!
ReplyDeleteThank you the reminder to look for opportunities to act in kindness. I'd like to think that most people act in kindness, but to take it to the next level...well, that's what you observed today.
ReplyDeleteI really needed to hear this ... thank you for pointing out all the good stuff we take for granted!
ReplyDeleteOh what a great post! Listening to world events on the radio in the morning can cast a pall of overwhelming helplessness over the rest of the day. But tomorrow, I know that I want to refocus on these bursts of kindness within arms reach. You have reminded us of something powerful!
ReplyDeleteThat is just refreshing to read. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts.