Friday, March 14, 2014

15/31 - Celebrating More Than One Thing

Discover. Play. Build.
       Celebrating the week thanks to Ruth at Discover, Play, Build, and slicing on Day Fifteen thanks to Tara, Stacey, Anna, Beth, Dana and Betsy at Two Writing Teachers.

Tweet at CelebrateLu             and                      SOL14
       I relish the sweet moments this week, despite the loss of my daughter's family's dear cat, Le Roc on Tuesday, or perhaps more because of it. I wrote about it that day, and it certainly has colored my week although I haven't even been to their home since. The tragedy has shown again the importance of celebrating each day. There is a plaque outside my school which quotes A.A. Milne: A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.  It was so lovely to receive everyone's kind words after that evening. 

             During the week, good times did happen. I had the pleasure of working with two book groups and a class group who are writing the personal narrative pieces about their names.  In addition, it was such fun to be with a younger group to help them revise their stories, and to create a chart that will help them give a lesson to their classmates about the difference between showing and telling in writing. I met with a few teachers, but they are busy preparing for student/teacher/parent conferences next week, so the meetings were brief. It was actually nice to have a bit of time in my office, straightening some stacks and filing. 
            The best thing I have to celebrate this week is that my granddaughter, Ingrid, who will be five next month, will be attending school at our school next year! I am so, so excited. She will be the first grandchild of a staff member who's ever attended, and I will try my best to stay out of her way! But it will be delightful to meet her in the halls once in a while, to read a story to her class, and to know she's there. 
          On Saturday, I am taking her to the school play. We have a wonderful group of adults who
work with all our students. The intermediate students have their play in January, and the director/drama teacher takes them through a process of creating their own script. This time, the older (6th, 7th, 8th) students either perform or work as crew. They work hard and do a brilliant job always. 
The play this year is most appropriate for younger kids, the musical Frog and Toad. We'll have a great time, and I celebrate that I have the opportunity to have my granddaughters close.  It also brings back a good memory. My husband and I took our older grandchild (now 12, in Texas) when he was young to this very play at a local theater. It was fun then, and it will be again.
              Have a terrific rest of the weekend, everyone!


  1. Linda - I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter's cat. A family pet is such an important part of the family. When my cat Sumo died (at 19 years old!) I remember my son who was 7 at the time say "Now I know what a broken heart really feels like'. I will never forget that. I enjoyed reading about the name narratives you are working on. Having a granddaughter at your school will be a wonderful experience for you both! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Adrienne, the loss of dear pets is never easy. I'm glad you shared that moment with your son.

  2. Losing pets is very tough. Condolences to your daughter's family. I think having a grandmother at my school would be a wonderful way to begin school. How comforting that will be for her.

    1. It's going to be a very fun year, Wanda! Thank you!

  3. So many good things in spite of the loss this week. It's almost like you have wrapped your family's sadness with happy thoughts in this piece.

    1. Thanks Anita, I think you're right, good to keep looking at all the positive things happening too.

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of Le Roc! Losing pets is so tough!! It sounds like you took that experience and used it to magnify the positive and lovely the rest of the week. Thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Michelle. The week was indeed a mixed week.

  5. How exciting that your granddaughter will be attending your school! The play sounds like such fun. I know you'll both enjoy it. After all, who doesn't love Frog and Toad?

    1. I'm so happy too that the play is one appropriate for young children too. Each year is different! Thanks, Catherine.

  6. How much fun to have your granddaughter there with you! One of my students also has her grandmother in the building. It works out well... they sometimes touch base but mostly just smile in the halls. Have fun at the play!

    1. Terrific, thanks for telling me Maria. I really am excited!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about Le Roc. Losing a pet is so very hard. How fun will that be, having your granddaughter at your school? It sounds lovely for both of you. Your post is full of such joy this morning. Thank you for showing me how to focus on the positive. I needed that this morning.

    1. I'm glad my post helped in some way, Julie. I know you are very busy! Hope the weekend gives some rest too!

  8. How exciting for you as well as your granddaughter! I can only imagine the smiles on your faces each time you pass i the hall! What a wonderful safety net for her!

    1. It will be a delight for sure, Lynn! Thank you!

  9. Linda, I know with the start of a rough week, it sometimes seems like it's hard to get up, but I'm glad with your family, you are able to be there for each other! Family first :) May the days continue to get better!

    1. Thanks Michelle, I think one of the harder aspects too was seeing the sadness of the granddaughter. But, life does continue & the rest of the week held good things.

  10. having your granddaughter at your school! That will surely be a time of joy! Have fun at the play today!

    1. Thanks Jaana, it will be a very fun time today, and next year, too!

  11. I am so excited for you that your granddaughter will be at your school. There are various staff members at my school who have their children or grandchildren there too. I know they love being able to see their children throughout the day and knowing they are there with them. That play sounds like a lot of fun also. It is nice when something you are looking forward to can also give you a good memory.

    1. Thanks Andrea, and yes, I love the connection with the play, am really looking forward to it. And next year will be wonderful. We've had other staff members have children at school, but this will be the first grandchild-so exciting!

  12. A.A. Milne and Arnold Lobel... they always remind me of simpler times. I think a local company had put on a Frog and Toad play here in Portland a year or so ago. It's always nice when you can bring someone new to something you enjoyed you enjoyed before!

    1. Yes, simpler times, and maybe more time for reading, too, Earl! Thank you-maybe you'll be able to see the play some day!

  13. Linda - So sorry about the cat :-( We had to put our cat down three years ago and we all still miss him terribly. I am sos so excited for you about your granddaughter! This is amazing for so many reasons. Lovely for her to attend this school which through the peeks you have offered, seems incredible. But also - think what a special relationship this will be for your and your granddaughter to share so many shared experiences and to know each other in this school community. Wonderful news!

    1. Thanks Carrie. I imagine they (and I in a different way) will be missing their cat for a long while. Of three, she was the favorite, the leader in so many ways. And hurrah, I am very excited for Ingrid to be at the school. She will flourish there I know, and I will love seeing her do that.

  14. That is good news indeed, Linda. For Ingrid - this is truly an exceptional school. If I could, I'd teach at Logan - I'd take a job there in a heart beat. And no one knows it better than you do, that it's just the place for her to thrive. For you, Linda, it must fill your heart to know that your granddaughter will be walking the halls and spending her days in the same building as you. That you may come upon her in the library, catch a fleeting glance as she plays, makes friends, learns to love learning all the more. Such happiness!!!

    1. Isn't it going to be fun, Tara? I wish you could come teach at Logan. There's only an opening this year in early primary, but other years.... Thanks!

  15. So many good things to celebrate after the loss of a family pet. You are so fortunate to have your grandchildren close and are able to share special events with them. I'm sure your granddaughter is super excited to be attending the same school where Grandma teaches - how exciting for both of you.

    1. As you can see, I'm super excited, Judy, & today was a very good day. After the play, and dinner out, and some more time at Grandma's, I took her back home. I imagine bedtime will be early tonight! Thank you! I wish you were closer to those wonderful girls too!

  16. What joyful news after such sadness. How fun for you to be able to discuss with Ingrid happenings at school next year. Already, I am wondering what her expo learning project might be. :-)

    1. Fun to think about, Elsie. That Expo topic will be interesting to contemplate, but all adults are encouraged to keep hands off. Thank you for remembering!

  17. Oh how fun that you'll be able to see your granddaughter in your school next year! My daughters came to school with me when they were in 5th and 6th grade, and I loved it - they did too!

    1. That's just great to hear, Holly. I'm sure it was wonderful to have your girls near. As you can see from above comments, I certainly am super excited! Thank you!

  18. What a lovely way to end the week! Sounds like a wonderful play to go see with your granddaughter. Have a wonderful time.

    1. It is just the cutest play, adapting those old wonderful stories into dialogue and song-funny and heartwarming about two good friends. We had a terrific time! Thanks, Beverley!

  19. Yes, she is excited, but really doesn't have an idea what's coming. It will be different from her school now, but lots of fun! She is quite an inquisitive little girl & will love that it's encouraged. Thanks Latisha!

  20. What a sweet celebration that you and Ingrid will be in the same school next year.

    1. Absolutely, Ruth. It will be such a year! Thank you!

  21. What a great time ahead, as if you needed even more :) So sorry hear about the loss of your family cat. Always a balance... well we hope for a balance

    1. Yes, I do think we must always consider the balance, and look for that which helps, Bonnie. So happy for you that you had a wonderful week!

  22. First, sorry to hear about a family pet. Five is such a special age. Ingrid will love having you there at school. Sounds like Frog and Toad will always be a favorite of yours. Yes, great celebrations.

    1. Thanks Tam-as you see from above, too, I am excited! Frog and Toad stories just fit this age beautifully, opens up new ideas to talk over.


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