Wednesday, March 5, 2014

6/31 A Recent Passion Keeps Me Watching For More

Thanks to everyone at Two Writing Teachers for the Slice of Life Challenge.
     Hope you are having a good week so far!

Since I've been writing for the Slice of Life these past years, and blogging in other ways, too, I find that I notice so many things. I see interesting shadows, and watch for animal tracks in the snow, listen for interesting sounds, watch for juicy words, and so on. One of the recent things I've been doing is watching the sky. When I drive to and from work the sky opens up and I can see in all directions. 
           When I'm looking, mostly I watch the west because that's where the mountains are, and interesting clouds appear that direction, something about the way the air slides down through the foothills. Often, the weather in the mountains is so different from ours here on the flat. 

So I've been taking sky pictures and writing about them sometimes too. Some of you who are Facebook friends have seen most of these, but yesterday and today, amazing weather came in and left just as quickly.  Here's a collage of some of my favorites.  And a poem.  Do you still look for pictures in the clouds?


Clouds are the sky mail
sent from way up high.
We use them for our air-tales,
animals parading by.
Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved
the final two-yesterday's storm coming in, and today's blue sky

        That bottom right was the longest lenticular cloud I've seen in a while. That is only part of it. Here's a picture I "tried" to take with an app on my phone-Panorama-It didn't set up too well, but you'll get the idea of how long it is! It shouldn't be split, but all one cloud!


  1. Oh, yes, I'm still a sky and cloud-watcher! Love your cloud pictures! What a nice drive you have! I have a poem around here somewhere for pictures in clouds. Now I have to go find it!

  2. Gorgeous sky and I the noticing, such as important part of living the writer's life. The animal parade is just such a joy-filled comparison.

  3. This is my first time in the sol challenge and I am enjoying all I am learning. I have blogged for a while about my classroom and have learned to notice even the smallest happenings ( I miss more than I catch). Now with the sol challenge I need to notice personal events differently, nature and all the happenings of my personal life.

  4. Sky mail and air-tales, delicious words. I want to know how you made the collage. And like you, I'm a lover of clouds and sky. Linda, have a sky high Thursday in your mile high city (you do love in Denver, right?)

  5. It's true Linda, slicing/blogging does "open" our eyes to things we might not really see. That big blue beautiful sky reminds me of what I will soon be seeing everyday in New Mexico!

  6. Thanks everyone-the days turn before we barely wake up! I'm going to be with one of the granddaughters this afternoon to help because she's sick, and I'm now waiting for a live feed of my grandson's band contest performance in Texas! Isn't tech great!! The collage was created with Picasa, one of the Google groups things, Ramona!

  7. Linda, I love the sky, too. In fact, I named by kitty, Nimbus, after the cumulus nimbus cloud formation because she looked like a little storm cloud when she was a kitten. You have beautiful pictures to match your poem. Your panorama of the lenticular cloud showed how long it! Enjoyed your words and your pictures. Jackie

  8. Your Denver sky photographs have been such a joy to see, Linda - I always look forward to seeing them on FB. Love the panaorama one, especially - it has a sense of the vastness of that Denver skyline. Beautiful!

  9. The blueness and light and clouds create beautiful art. I hope that your granddaughter will feel better soon and your grandson's band contest goes great.

  10. I understand what you mean about writing being a cause for watching.

    Your poem was such a treat. Thank you for sharing it.


  11. Again, thanks everyone. I'm staying with my granddaughter who is now about ready for a nap. Love that you all like the sky pics-always fun to do. Carter's band earned all ones in both performance and in sight reading! He is so excited! Love the thought of a little nimbus kitty, Jackie. I like the panorama too, Tara, will have to use a steadier hand I think. Ruth, Thank you, you are a huge part of my 'watching'-I still keep that one post at the beginning of all my process documents.

  12. So mail and air tales! Enjoyed both words and pics!

  13. You are so good at creating clever words! Love the sky pictures. I think I could use a tutorial at All Write on creating collage pictures.

  14. So many slicers this year--I can't believe this is the first time I am getting to your blog! Love the poem and the pictures. It's always so fun to read your poetry...Do you have a book started yet?

  15. There is so much to look at in your pictures! I started by looking at animals (yes, I still do that!) but then I looked at the scenery, and then at the types of clouds. Love the poem, also, Linda. Such simple words, but such a fun metaphor!

  16. I am beginning to see things from a different perspective since blogging. My only thing is that most times I don't get them written down and I have a tendency to forget them. Beautiful pictures. I sure wish we would get some of your blue skies! Hope your grandaughter is doing better.

  17. Wow, Linda, I love the collage. It is a beautiful addition to the poem! Thanks for sharing your writing and technology expertise!

  18. What a beautiful part of the country you live in! Seeing the wide open sky like this on a daily basis seems absolutely incredible to me. I loved the photos of the storm coming in and the contrasting blue sky of today. Love "clouds are the sky mail."

  19. A good reminder to look up. When we're on the lake, the sky seems part of the beauty of the lake. "Sky mail" rings true. I like comments, but don't have to have them to write this year. I'm writing for the joy of writing which Ruth has taught me.

  20. I just got home, dinner too with my daughter and the family. Thanks for all the comments. Like Deb (above) says, there are a lot of slicers this year. I'm trying to comment as much as I can, but sometimes, like today, other parts of life happen. The area near the mountains is a beautiful place to be. Big sky, like those in Montana brag about too! Enjoy your slicing!

  21. Your poem is so clever, your pictures so beautiful. What strikes me most, here as in nature, is that striking blue in the sky. Glorious!

  22. Have you heard of the Cloud Appreciation Society? You have to watch this video:
    Thank you for sharing your poem and gorgeous photos!

  23. I am always impressed when people Slice with writing their own poetry. Love the addition of the images too. I am also enjoying everyone's posts.

  24. Amazing. I love that poem. I loved the picture of the lenticular cloud!

  25. Linda,
    I love your cloud photos. My mother was fanatical about clouds.

  26. The clouds really have been spectacular the last few weeks--- I've been especially enjoying the morning ones as I drive to work each day. Today I will be thinking about "sky mail" and "air tales." Thank you!


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