Thursday, March 6, 2014

7/31 Slice and Poetry Friday, too!

Hi Everyone, a shared post again. It's Poetry Friday and Margaret Simon of ReflectionsOnTheTeche is hosting today. She and I, and other marvelous poets have been writing poems to Laura Shovan's Pantone Poetry birthday celebration for the past month. She shares the finale poems and the total collection at her blog, Author Amok. It's been a treasure of a time. 

And, it's DAY SEVEN of the Slice of Life Challenge at Two Writing Teachers!  Over 300 are slicing each day, including students. We've now completed the first week! Time for big pats on the back!
        So many have had a tough winter, and more seems to be on its way again, so I thought it would be good to try to express the general sentiment at this time about winter. Here's a picture of hope from my garden, and a poem.
Before Spring

I want
I want
more warmth than a hot bath
gives me,
more color than seed catalogs
show me,
more light than Edison invented
for me.
         I want spring!

I want
I want
fewer clothes than Winter
allows me,
fewer curtains keeping nature
from me,
fewer colds requiring tissues
around me.
         I want spring!

         Linda Baie ©All Rights Reserved


  1. So right there with you! I love the structure of this poem. Think my favorite line is "more color than seed catalogs show me." Totally agree! Happy Friday!

  2. I'm ready for those mores and lesses, too, but right now we are still buried in fairy deep and hard, crusted snow! I love your comparisons....and "I want spring!", too!

  3. Yes! Reminds me of one of my favorite books: More More More, Said the Baby. :) Wishing you SPRING, Linda. xo

  4. 300 slicers -- wow! It is really taking off.

    You certainly have been flexing your writing muscles lately, Linda, with the Pantone poems and your slices!

  5. Beautiful post. I am so impressed with you and your poetry. Love the picture and the poem, a perfect match.

  6. Thank you for that hopeful poem and lovely garden photos. All the things we're all craving -- warmth, light, color, and the joys of nature. Happy Slicing, and I'm glad you enjoyed writing all those wonderful Pantone color poems.

  7. Yes!!! I had a baby in December and I've been SO COOPED UP! I would usually be out snowshoeing, skiing, hiking in the snow. I usually love winter… but not this year! I've been planning my garden since January!

  8. Linda, I just heard that snow is headed your way! This is a fun format that I can share with my students. Love the poem and the pic! We are starting to get color in the Northwest. :)

  9. I love that photo! Hope springs eternal! :-)

  10. I think we will all be thankful for spring this year...especially those of us who have experienced the Polar Vortex! Your picture brings hope....and I am waiting for my first crocus to pop its head through the dirt...of course, it still has inches and inches of snow to melt first. Jackie

  11. Beautiful...our sentiment, exactly. The youngest poetry readers would love to read your poem. I hope you are writing a book, Linda! xo

  12. I want more poems by Linda. :)

  13. Perfectly articulated, Linda! You've captured the desperation so many are feeling. I really do wish I could share our desert warmth with the frozen tundra dwellers. =)

  14. Yes! We want more of the stuff that allowed for green shoots to show up in your garden...we want Spring, for sure!

  15. Hey everyone-Thanks for all the responses. I know my wishes will work, eventually, but I'm sitting in my office looking out the window, watching the snow come down rather quickly. I am in the frame of mind to recite AA MIlne's 'The More It Snows, tiddely-pom"... Ha!

  16. This is lovely Linda! I think so many of us are feeling all of these same things right now. I know I sure am! I want, I want spring to come soon too!

  17. I want spring, too! It's been one of the longest winters I can remember. Thank you for warming my day with your lovely poem!

  18. What a beautiful poem, Linda! Do visit us here in hot and humid Singapore. I promise you'd have as few layers of clothing as you wish. There is light always, and the beautiful sun. We need rain though. :)

  19. Thank so much for the glimpse of spring green! I love your sassy poem!

  20. I love the opposition of wanting more then wanting less--a great format! I can definitely relate to this--I've been out in my garden every day this week and each time I visit, I find more and more green. Spring is definitely on its way, even if we get more this month!

  21. I'm sending you some warm Florida rays, Linda... do you feel them yet? They're coming, I promise!

  22. I want, I want. Love the repetition here. Really brings out the longing, almost like a child. Gimmee, gimmee. I wish I could send you some of our sunshine and flowers!


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